Nevada GOP Senate Hopeful Features Prisoner Massages, Mani-Pedis In Attack Ad (VIDEO)

Over in Nevada, GOP U.S. Senate favorite Sue Lowden has decided to change the conversation by going all crazy on her Tea Party rival Sharron Angle for the Scientology prison massages she loves!

Over in Nevada, GOP U.S. Senate favorite Sue Lowden is sick and tired of everyone always talking about the chickens she thought they could barter for angioplasties and such. And so, like a pro, she's decided to change the conversation by going all crazy on her Tea Party rival Sharron Angle for the Scientology prison massages she loves!

Yes, this latest ad really is a gem. It's got candles and fountains and inmates getting sexy massages and mani-pedis. And since there's a Church of Scientology angle (no pun intended, but ha!), there's a gratuitous shot of a framed Tom Cruise picture in the ad as well. And a creative prison tattoo!

Here's the nugget of truth at the center of this, per TPM:

In fact, Angle never formally presented a bill, but she did try to gain support for a prison drug rehabilitation program that would involve prisoners quitting drugs cold turkey, with saunas and massages as part of treatment -- an idea promoted by the Church of Scientology. Angle also tried to organize a legislative trip to a jail in Mexico that uses this program, and the trip would have been paid for by an individual who is a Scientologist, according to the Sun.

Nevertheless, this race is tight, and Lowden obviously figures she can get more for this albatross than she could for a chicken.


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