Survey Suggests Brexit Voters Regret their Decision

Survey Suggests Brexit Voters Regret their Decision
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It’s been a few months since the British public made the shock decision to leave the European Union. Since then, there has been a huge amount of uncertainty as to what’s going to happen when the UK government triggers article 5. There’s a new prime minister, and lots of other politicians involved in the referendum are no longer in their previous positions.

FreeOfficeFinder have conducted a survey where they asked 1,000 British office workers whether or not they regretted their decision in the referendum.

Out of the 1,000 office workers that participated in the survey, 412 (41%) voted to leave the EU, 522 (52%) voted to remain and 66 (7%) voted to leave:

This is slightly different to the general outcome of the referendum, but it fits in with the demographics of people who work in offices. For example, a lot of people who have retired and are no longer working voted to leave.

Leave Voters

Out of the 412 office workers who said they voted to leave the EU, 278 (67%) said that they would still vote leave if there were another referendum today. A massive 113 (27%) said they would change their mind and now vote to remain, whereas 21 (5%) of the participants would now be unsure about which way they would vote.

Remain Voters

Remain voters were far more decisive than people who voted to leave. Out of the 522 participants who voted to remain in the survey, only 5 of them would now change their vote, which is less than 1% of all the voters who voted to stay in the EU.

People who didn’t vote

According to some sources, one of the main reasons why the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU was because a lot of people who wished to remain in the EU didn’t vote. Many didn’t register in time and a large amount of people didn’t vote because they felt that the referendum was already decided.

Out of the 1,000 office workers we surveyed, 66 of them didn’t vote in the referendum. At 93%, the turnout among the office workers we asked was much higher than the national average.

The consensus among non-voters was fairly similar to the rest of the survey. 7 Out of the 66 (10%) would now vote out of the EU, 18 (27%) would remain unsure, and 41 (62%) would now vote to stay in the EU.

The Difference

It’s only been a few months since the country voted, but from the survey it’s clear that there are more people who voted to leave who regret their decision than people who voted to remain.

Before, there were only 110 votes in it, whereas now it would be 280. The survey shows that there the amount of remain voters is more than double the amount of people who would like to leave the EU

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