Sweden's Giant Snow Penis Was Erased... So This Man Created An Even Bigger One

"No one can get offended by the penis. It can’t be seen from the ground."

The giant snow penis cannot be stopped.

Emilian Sava, one of the workers who had to clear a giant snow penis from a park in Sweden, felt so guilty about the act of phallic vandalism that he erected his own giant snow schlong, according to The Local.

And in what may be the world's greatest display of penis envy, the new snow penis is much more massive than the old one.

The original penis was carved into the snow over a frozen moat in Kungsparken (King's Park) in the city of Gothenburg. It quickly aroused complaints from members of the community.

Since the ice on the moat was unstable, they needed a giant tool to erase the penis:

Now there's a new penis in Gothenburg -- created with a snowblower by Sava -- and this one is so big that it's hard to complain about.

"No one can get offended by the penis. It can’t be seen from the ground," Sava told regional newspaper GT, according to The Local.

The new penis is indeed best appreciated from above:

The removal of the original penis led to the creation of a "restore the snow penis" Facebook group, which quickly achieved more than 3,300 likes.

"It is absolutely a frivolous thing, but also a form of popular creativity," Andreas Holmgren, the creator of the Facebook group, told Göteborgs-Posten, according to a translation from Citylab. "When an established artist paints a penis in oil paint, he can hang in a frame in a gallery. But if an ordinary citizen draws a penis in the snow, it’s the obscene and must be removed. I mean it’s just about who the creator is."

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