Teenage Bucket List: 20 Things To Do Before You're 20!

20 Things To Do Before You Turn 20!

There's a reason that teen movies are so full of awesome adventures and misadventures -- being a teenager is the perfect time for those fun, crazy things you would (probably) never do as an adult. You only live once (#yolo), and you're only a teenager once, so make these years of friends and freedom count. Before you officially enter adulthood and turn 20, create a teenage bucket list of all the things you want to do and experiences you're dying to have. Always wanted to take a road trip, participate in a flash mob or have a Hollywood-worthy kiss? Now's the time to make it happen. Click through the slideshow below and see how many items you've accomplished -- or that you still need to check off your list!

This is just our bucket list -- so what's on yours? Do you have any crazy, unforgettable memories that you want to make before you turn 20? Share your bucket list in the comments below or tweet your #20before20 @HuffPostTeen!

Before You Go

Have An Epic Kiss

20 Things To Do Before You're 20!

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