The Art of 'Disruption' in Entrepreneurship and Life

The Art of 'Disruption' in Entrepreneurship and Life
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Disruption is not a stomach rumble, it’s an art form that can change the world.

Disruption is not a stomach rumble, it’s an art form that can change the world.


We hear this word quite a bit around entrepreneurial circles; most often thrown about by aspiring entrepreneurs that really do not know what it means.

Disruption is not an earthquake. It's not that funny rumbling noise in your stomach after 5 chilly dogs and 2 boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts on a Tuesday evening. It's not a mass protest on the street by angry political activists. Heck, it's not even a bad internet connection that loads half your page and leaves you hanging for the next 15 mins.


Disruptive Innovation is a form of social, technological, commercial and humanistic alteration that spearheads creativity with a revolutionary approach in every sphere of our lives. It is the introduction of 'change' that forces the creation of a new market and induces a powerful 'value proposition'.

Not all innovations are disruptive, even if they are revolutionary. To be truly 'disruptive' in what you do, you have to overwhelm the 'existing' mode of how something is being done.

For example, Wikipedia is a disruptive innovation. It came, it saw and it conquered! It took over the traditional encyclopedia industry. Fat and heavy encyclopedia books became obsolete.

You don't need six pack abs, 5345423436 followers on social media or be the Queen of Norway in order to be a successful disruptor. You need to be yourself and think outside the box so that your unique 'ideas' liberate you and your creativity brings those ideas to realisation.


When it comes to Content Creation for online digital media, disruption plays a compelling role.

Providing phenomenal 'value' and relevant 'content' for the 'sake' of solving a problem is what matters the most!

Doing all of the above for the sake of merely providing 'constant' everyday content is like shooting darts in the dark. People care about having their problems and worries solved; at the end of the day if they want content merely for the 'entertainment' value, there are plenty of TV shows for that. They will not bother with you nor your business.


Another form of disruption is harnessing the power of words in life, business and everything in between. Words have a special place in human life and our very endeavours on this crumb of a planet we call earth.

From Aristotle and Shakespeare to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, throughout history, great writers and businessmen have been not only successful at what they do but have also imparted tremendous influence on humanity’s progress through the ages; effects that are still visibly prevalent till this day.

You ‘are’ what you portray of yourself, and in the world of business, you automatically become what people ‘think’ of you as an individual or a professional.

Hence, in the rapidly evolving social media age with our Facebook feeds and Twitter tweets, what you write is ‘who’ you are. Yes, really!

The art of conveying your 'message' to an audience in a powerful and persuasive manner is a critical 'life-skill'. What you write is ‘who’ you are, and what you 'portray' of yourself in the world of business, is what people ‘think’ of you as a professional.

Unfortunately, most people's written communication sucks! I've come across entrepreneurs that spell like a 7-year-old and communicate as if they are high on Prozac. Harsh, but true!


As human beings, we are shaped by our experiences and the ‘free-will’ to navigate through them.

This means, we harbour traits and facets that no other living creature on the planet possesses. The most wondrous of these characteristics is the ability to 'build' and 'innovate'.

How do you build upon a dream? You lay the groundwork; starting with the first brick. The first brick is the very foundation of a dream turning into reality.

Nobody is going to lay that brick for you. Start small and make your way up. It's not a race. Remember the story of the rabbit and the turtle? Being the fastest doesn't always mean being a winner nor the best.

If you build your dreams with your own two hands through sheer grit, hardwork and foresight, the universe will work in synchronisation with you.

And guess what? Once built, they will come. Who are they?

They are those who believe in the beauty of your dream. Be it customers, supporters or lifelong patrons.

Success follows thereafter! Whether that success be money, happiness, personal fulfilment or helping others to build their own dreams through the laying of their first brick!


Final Thoughts...

It's easy to 'lose' the essence and uniqueness of your individual self, if you simply try to 'follow' what others are following. Challenge the status-quo, break free from the hysteria of fads and trends, be a free-thinker, a revolutionary, a game-changer and someone who isn't afraid to DISRUPT!

Own the game by winning, because merely being a ball means 'ending up in other people's dirty hands'.

One of the biggest ways to disrupt, is changing the way you sell yourself and the unique selling proposition ( USP) of your business through the art of 'persuasive sales'.

Download the free eBook "7 Steps to Powerful Sales Copy" here >>

D.I.S.R.U.P.T -- NOW!

Ali Ash is a wacky eyed disruption geek who thrives on watercress sandwiches and aspires to make the world a better place through his love for words. You can catch him red-handed at: Acepreneur Media, cooking up linguistically enticing recipes for a legion of bald eagles and valued clients alike. All day, everyday!

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