The Best Thing for the New Year!!!

The Best Thing for the New Year!!!
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There’s nothing wrong about wanting external change. However, the real work isn’t on the outside but on the inside. This means changing your mindset.

There’s nothing wrong about wanting external change. However, the real work isn’t on the outside but on the inside. This means changing your mindset.

Recently I’ve been writing about the power of promise and commitment over New Year’s resolutions.

That's what I wanted to share today. But then I scrapped it.

For while that’s what I thought I should write about, but my heart is telling me otherwise.

One of the big traps of the New Year is the desire for external change.

There’s nothing at all wrong with it.

In fact, getting your body, the vehicle which houses the soul in great shape is an amazing way to reconnect with your spirit and to set yourself free!

The challenge is, we often forget which is the vehicle and which is the driver.

Put another way, the real work isn’t on the outside, but on the inside.

To change your body does require some time at the gym, but what it really requires is a change in your mindset.

And that begins on the inside.

When you connect with the source, God, a higher power, or your higher divine-self within, and work to strengthen that connection, you become unstoppable at anything you want to achieve.

Your resolutions stick, your dreams come true, and you begin to have the Midas touch.

And it all begins by working on the inside first.

So what does that look like?

To me, I always go back to the basics.

While meditation teachers will tell you it’s all about quieting the mind, and simply being with yourself—and I can’t argue this, I’d start with another simple step.

I’d start by writing to yourself, for yourself & through yourself.

I’ve mentioned automatic writing before, it’s one of the most powerful tools I use with my coaching clients.

Why? Because I’ve never seen a more powerful tool for helping you connect with you, and connect with your higher self.

Want guidance? Ask on paper.

Want comfort? Ask again.

Want to get to know yourself?

Then in automatic writing, simply ask—time and again, who am I?

So if you’re ready for real change, dive into the work.

And the work is not the work. It's an illusion.

The real work is the inner work, and that's where the party’s at.

We often get confused about where the party's at and end up hanging with the bouncers, rather than going inside.

But the real party’s on the inside!

So meditate. Go quiet. Listen. And then grab your pen. Sit down, take time out.

And with pen to paper, or keys clacking on the keyboard, let your thoughts flow.

When I do automatic writing, after saying a prayer for protection and guidance, I always ask one simple question.

What do I need to know today???

And then it’s off to the races.

Yes, there’s a lot more to it. But this’ll help get you started.

Of course, we'll be teaching more about automatic writing, and guiding through in our I Shine Bright Group Coaching program beginning Jan. 19th.

Important Note: It doesn’t matter where the words come from, or flow from, as long as they’re positive or neutral.

However, if they’re berating, chastising, fear-driven, or filled with shoulda, woulda, coulda’s, then they’re your ego

If not, then they’re coming from someplace special.

Your job, and mine, is to connect with these words as often as you can.

That’s the real work. It’s powerful, it’s transformative, and it’s something you can begin today.

Last thoughts. Build automatic writing into your day. Take that snooze-alarm time & instead roll over, grab your journal & get busy.

If you want true transformation this year, this is where to begin!!!

On that note: We have a powerful, life-changing, transformative, 11-week I Shine Bright Group Coaching Program we’re launching in two weeks. It will change your life.

Each week we cover a new topic in the I S-H-I-N-E- B-R-I-G-H-T formula, and yes, we’ll be diving deep into automatic writing there.

If you want to tap into your inner guidance, grow strong, discover your purpose and path, get healthier, more peaceful, and far more abundant, then this program is for you.

We’ve never felt so strongly about anything we’ve made or put out. For it’s all heart, and our gift to you!

And speaking of gifts, Jessica has felt called to come on board, she’ll be teaching as well. Woo Hoo!!!

So come join us in the New Year, and what certainly can be your best year ever.

Yes, space is limited so we can give you the most attention.

We’ll help you dive deep into the real work, for the party’s on the inside. And when you get this, everything on the outside shines much, much brighter!!!!!

Today’s Shows:

We love Matt Kahn! He’s one of our all-time favorite spiritual teachers, and the author of Whatever Arises Love That.

Learn wisdom for the New Year and discover freedom through his beautiful interview.

Listen to Matt here on Google, and here on iTunes.

And oh my! My favorite interview ever so far by Jessica Lee on the mic from two days ago on living open hearted in the New Year.

I am so biased, but I believe—and based on the emails that are already pouring in, this is a must-listen interview.

Listen to Jessica’s open-hearted fearless (or feel the fear and do it anyway!) interview here on Google, and here on iTunes.

Have an amazing dive-deep day, and an incredible start to the New Year!!!

Shine Bright!


Michael, Jessica and the Entire Inspire Nation Team!!!

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