The Clouds are Crying, Mommy.

The Clouds are Crying, Mommy.
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The Clouds are Crying

I was not planning to write a post today but then on the way to dropping my son off to school today, he said something that broke my heart. It's a typical rainy and windy fall day here today. As we were getting in the car, he said "When it rains, it means the clouds are crying Mommy! Why are the clouds so sad?"

In retrospect, we've had a lot of death and sickness in our circle of family and friends lately. We've had family members, family of friends, and even pets pass in the past few weeks. It is also the anniversary of several friends family passing around this time of year. By this time in my life, I had already been subjected to the death of my twin sister, more than any 8 year old should have to bear so I try to keep the subject of death as far removed from my son as possible.

I tried to explain that sometimes things happen that make the clouds sad. Crying can help them deal with their emotions. I tried to use examples of times he was sad and cried to make him understand. And then he said it "Mommy, why are so many sad things happening lately?" My heart broke into a million pieces. Keeping my composure was tough. How was I supposed to respond to this? I simply asked him what he meant. As he started listing off a few things, I knew he wasn't just a baby anymore that I could just pass things over. He is a boy now and sadly able to comprehend the world around him.

I tried to explain to him that there was no explanation for it. I tried to explain my superstition of things happening in 3's. I tried to explain that there will be times in our life with dark clouds and rain but we have to look for the sun shining behind those clouds. I am not a overly religious person, but I try to believe that above those dark clouds are our angels up in heaven. I tried to explain that sometimes our Angels up in Heaven get sad too and this is the result of that.

My explanation seemed to give him some comfort and give him an answer he could understand. Crying is life helping us deal with our emotions, crying isn't a bad thing. So during those dark and gloomy days, try to look on the other side of the darkness into the brightness ahead. And when it seems like a multitude of bad things are happening, there will be an end and things will get better. I want him not to dwell on the bad things life hands us but look for the good instead.

Tonight I will hug him a little tighter and try to focus on good things we have in our life and try to remove those rain clouds from his mind.

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