The Earth as Our Teacher

The Earth as Our Teacher
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What is the nature of our reality? We all have individual choices, and we also have choices as a society. If we learn who we are and how much power we possess by harnessing love and hope and overcoming fear, the outcome of our mutual futures can be the way the Creator intended.

Through the Earth, we are currently being cautioned by those in heaven about possible outcomes for our planet. There are planetary changes and energy shifts that we can acknowledge and shift the destructive course we are on, or we can continue to receive some very difficult lessons. What we do now will have far-reaching consequences—long after we join our loved ones in the heavenly realm. But the expression “As above, so below” means that our choices here on Earth also have an impact upon those nonphysical beings whose souls wish to move on to higher levels of being. We may hold back their progression, as well as the movement of the future, by what we do in the here and now. There are changes coming to this world; some have already begun, and we are going to need to prepare for more.

There were many dire predictions about 2012 from the Mayan prophecies, the Hopi Indians, Nostradamus, and a few others calling for great changes that could lead to death and destruction. However, the world obviously did not come to an end in December 2012, and many people are left with bulk items they hoarded in their storage bunkers. Nevertheless, the spiritual “shift” spoken of is indeed in the process of taking place, and the years ahead will bring many changes to the paths of countless people.

Our Creator, Source, God, Allah, Lord, Great Spirit—whatever your terminology is for the higher power responsible for the universe—believes in the human race. This Creator believes in the potential of our species and loves humankind, as well as all manifested life forms. However, as its children we too are taught lessons, just as parents teach lessons to their children.

When parents send their children to their rooms as punishment, this does not mean that they do not love them. In fact, they likely love their children very much and want them to learn right from wrong. This consequence is a form of discipline, a word derived from the word disciple, which means “one who accepts the doctrines of another and assists in spreading or implementing them.”

Children are disciples of their parents, who hope to teach them the right way to live in the world based on their own wisdom. The parents hope that their children grow up to be even better than they are and that the kids can eventually take their place as adults who continue the good work. So it is similar with our Creator and us as its children. We are now in line for learning a great lesson of compassion. It is time to stop thinking, What can I take from my neighbor? and start asking, What does he or she need?

The planet we live on is alive—Earth has a consciousness that is her own too. Just like plant life, she is affected by what we do physically to her, as well as by the positive and negative emotional and mental energies we direct toward her. And just as we do, our planet, which is also a life form, has the ability to take direction from a Higher Power. And she may be doing so, as evidenced in part in the many weather-pattern changes we have been seeing in recent years.

There is and has been an ongoing debate as to the validity of global climate change. There are well-respected scientists and researchers on both sides of this argument. The global-warming discussion primarily centers on the temperature changes in the air, and since the air temperatures have not changed much this debate rages on. Perhaps there should be more conversation on water temperatures because this is where the energy changes are coming from.

One does not need to be a scientist to see that the polar bears are running out of places to live. Neither does one need to be a researcher to remember that a tsunami killed nearly 250,000 people one weekend in Indonesia a few years ago. More recently, Japan nearly had a nuclear meltdown from an earthquake and a tsunami.

Below the Pacific Ocean lies the “Ring of Fire,” where 452 volcanoes, or 75 percent of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes, are located. (Wikipedia) The Ring of Fire consists of several tectonic plates in Earth’s crust that extend from Southeast Asia all the way north to Alaska, then west to California and south along the coast of South America. Many of the world’s earthquakes occur in this region of the world. This energy and releasing of the heat is throwing the planet into a new paradigm.

From 1995 through 2011, this energy release in the Pacific was responsible for a number of huge tragedies, with earthquakes and tsunamis causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions in economic destruction. And the frequency and magnitude are increasing over time. These effects may be the indicator of a domino effect around the world, where energy released from below is causing imbalances in land and water pressure or the melting of ice at the poles. Truthfully, I would like to hope that this information is incorrect, but hard as it is to believe, such catastrophes may have happened before in Earth’s history. So, this may not be so far-fetched.

Some of the changes have already begun and will occur more rapidly in the years ahead. The systems we have in place now are adequate in the developed world, but fragile. Many people in other areas of the globe may receive the food and energy they need for sustenance, yet it takes very little to interfere with their basic needs. Even now, when disruption occurs people lose their energy, heat, and hot water easily, and for longer and longer periods of time.

The population continues growing as if Earth has an infinite supply of raw materials whenever we want them. We know this is not true, yet we act in a brazen manner as if we are entitled to these things. A wake-up call may be in the not-too-distant future. Future generations of people are depending on us now to act responsibly to head off the tragedy of planetary disaster.

In the meantime, we need to take inventory of ourselves and our families. We need to think about what we are doing and how we can help each other. When there was a 2014 storm warning that threatened to shut down electricity in New York, people hoarded batteries and flashlights. Perhaps we can examine this reactive behavior of “us against them” mentality. Our reaction rather could be about how we will help each other in the event of a weather emergency. Can we make sure everyone has batteries and water? We shouldn’t have to rely on disaster relief and its limited resources if we take others into account when preparing for the unexpected.

What is being communicated by the Divine is that there will be geological changes made to the Earth in the future—not a cataclysm, but maybe great displacements in land and water, throwing us into a state of flux. This energy release might be on a massive scale. As a civilization we will need to show “compassion” for one another and to rely and support each other as we go through any period of change. The Earth will become a teacher as she shows us that we need to depend on one another.

We need to unify and cease blaming one another for the misfortunes that occur in life. Politically, we live in a divided house that only has half the power and leadership that come from working together. There can be a very bright future for mankind ahead but only if we begin to understand we are all in this together.



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