The Gift of Gab: Where Does Jon Stewart Rank Among the Best TV Talkers?

The Gift of Gab: Where Does Jon Stewart Rank Among the Best TV Talkers?
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After fifteen years behind the desk, Jon Stewart will sign off from The Daily Show for the final time tonight. Over the course of his tenure, he's collected a slew of awards and probably done as much as anyone to change the way we think about the intersection between entertainment and news. But is that enough to secure his legacy among the all-time greats? It's time for you to weigh in with your list of the Top 10 Best TV Talk Show Hosts of All Time now!

Here are the current rankings, according to Culturalist's list do they square with your list?

#5.) Oprah Winfrey
"The Queen of All Media" built a multi-billion-dollar empire from her unparalleled ability to connect emotionally with her guests and her audience.

#4.) Jimmy Fallon
The irrepressible Fallon has transformed The Tonight Show since he took the reins last year, ushering in an era of musical silliness and general fun that has brought a new generation of viewers to late night.

#3.) Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen's no stranger to the talk-show circuit: her first big break as a comic came in 1986, when Johnny Carson invited her to sit down to talk after doing a stand-up set on The Tonight Show, the first time a female comic made the transition from performer to guest. Since she began hosting The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2003, she's racked up 38 Emmy Awards and has been the gold-standard for daytime talk.

#2.) David Letterman
Dave gave up the chair earlier this year, but he's still holding strong in the "Best Ever" standings. With a late night career that started all the way back in 1982 (fun fact: Bill Murray appeared as a guest on both Letterman's first and last broadcast), he was a transitional figure that helped evolve late night with his irreverence and charm. Oh...and something about Top 10 Lists.

Who is your favorite host? See the current #1 and join the conversation by making your own list of the Top 10 Best TV Talk Show Hosts of All Time now!

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