5 Quotes to Inspire Your Life Goals

5 Quotes to Inspire You Today #Goals
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“What we do in life, echoes in eternity.” – Maximus Decimus Meridius

Gladiator, the movie

Did you know the word “inspiration” comes from the Latin term “spirare”, which means “to breathe”? Sometimes that’s the best advice: just breathe.

I recently read a series on the life of Cicero. He was a genius orator and one of his best lines was “Dum spiro, spero.”/“As long as I breathe, I hope.” He also said getting pooped on by a pigeon was good luck. That’s happened to me multiple times, so hopefully he’s right!

Of course I know there’s a little more to success than being splattered by a bird. So I’ve found a few Latin quotes to inspire you in the pursuit of your goals. Are you struggling with a project for school? Are you vying for a promotion at work? Are you trying to gain muscle or lose some pounds? Are you planning your first solo trip abroad? Have you been working on a dream and suddenly find yourself stuck, uncertain of the next step? Hopefully these wise words will give you the extra kick you need to get going!

Quote #1: Audaces fortuna iuvat.

“Fortune favors the bold.” – Terence

I think a quote from a man who doesn’t even need a last name says it all. Taking the first step is easy. Taking the next step (and the one after that, and the one after that) is bravery. Everyone has dreams. Everyone wants Lady Fortune to come along and make you a star. However, Lady Fortune wants to see you go after it. Go after it like a gladiator, to the death! Research has found it’s key to visualize your goals. However, know the difference between visualizing and fantasizing because too much time fantasizing can obscure the real-life steps you have to take to reach your goal.

If you put enough heart and effort into achieving your dreams, favor will come.

Quote #2: Vitanda est improba siren, desidia.

“You must avoid that wicked temptress, laziness.” – Horace

They had distractions in Ancient Rome just as we do now. Perhaps not as many technological distractions, but they knew as well as any of us how easy it is to be lazy for an hour (that turns into ten). When you could be practicing an instrument or studying the data, instead you turn on the tv and say you’ll multi-task. You won’t. Motion pictures are the enemy to productivity. I enjoy movies and tv series as much as anyone, but I know that an hour is better spent working on a skill. While you’re wondering if Jack and Ginger will get together in the end (spoiler: they will!), someone else is wondering how many galaxies there are in the universe…and developing an equation to figure it out.

Quote #3: Malum consilium quod mutari non potest.

“It’s a bad plan that can’t be changed.” – Publius Syrus

What is it they say about the best laid plans? Despite your level of confidence and determination, a good plan leaves room for error. We’re human. We make mistakes. We fail, again and again. I’m not saying you need a fallback to becoming an NBA star – you’re 5’4”, you can do it! I am saying that if you think five minutes of dribbling every day will get you there, you might want to rethink your plan. Dreams are called dreams for a reason: they seem impossible. That’s why we make goals – logical, achievable steps – to make our dreams come true. Remember that nine-year-old who thought she could do anything? She was right. It’s just going to take a lot of hard work now. Probably more than you ever planned. Is it worth it? I hope so!

Quote #4: A posse ad esse.

“From possibility to actuality.” – Unknown

We dream in the night, but we must live by the day. Seriously consider what you have to do to achieve your next goal. I believe anything is possible if you actually put in the effort. Write down your goal in the center of a piece of paper. Then, instead of looking at your plan as a list of steps, see it as a map. A map of your happiness. Surround your goal by writing down all the things you’re going to do to achieve it. Be specific. Build onto these as time goes by. When you’re feeling lost, look at your map. Remember what you initially wanted – needed – to achieve. If this goal no longer serves your happiness, then crumple it up and throw it out. Make a new one, a better one!

Quote #5: Dum vivimus, vivamus.

“While we live, let us live.” – Epicurean Philosophy

It’s important to enjoy the simple pleasures and the passing of each day, but don’t ever doubt that you can achieve whatever goal you set your will to…

This is it. The moment. Your moment to shine. Center stage. Everyone’s watching. The lions released. What will you do? Run, hide, and eventually die in the shadows? Or will you take up the sword and fight for your life? For glory!

A touch dramatic, I know, but are you feeling inspired? Are you not entertained?

Yes. Goal achieved.

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