'The Ice Man': Alex Horner's Video Asks You To Smash Ice Sculptures By Trevor Pearson (VIDEO)

Go Ahead, Knock Them Over!

"If you have a piece of art out on the street and tell people they could break it, would they?" asked filmmaker Alex Horner and ice sculptor Trevor Pearson in short video "The Ice Man."

In Horner's video, Pearson carves abstract works from an unwieldy block of ice. The finished sculptures later appear on a street corner accompanied by a hammer and a sign that says "Go Ahead." Julia Horner, the filmmaker's sister, came up with unusual idea to let people destroy the artworks. Pedestrians either admired the work or gleefully took up the hammer.

According to Horner, the project captures the impermanent quality of ice, even if it isn't melting. "I never want people to vandalize sculptures or art-- either mine or any-- but we wanted to see if people would when prompted to," explained Pearson in an email to the Huffington Post.

Digging Pearson's ice sculptures? Check out the slideshow of incredible works of ice below, and let us know if you would dare to smash Pearson's frozen art in the comments.

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Ice Sculptures

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