The Introvert’s Guide to Getting Ahead at Work

The Introvert’s Guide to Getting Ahead at Work
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There’s a high probability that you’ve encountered an outgoing coworker who climbed the corporate ladder super quickly, easily breezing past more qualified colleagues—maybe yourself included.

There was just something about her personality. She had an undeniable presence—an It factor that A-listers, socialites, and even politicians possess, too. She bypassed “paying her dues,” snagged coveted titles along the way, and every move seemed to be so well orchestrated. She mastered the art of navigating office politics. She was the go-to person for coveted projects and was chummy with even the most difficult coworkers. Senior-level meetings were rarely held without her. And everyone—even your boss—seemed to be more at ease when she was in the room.

Though it's easy to feel a pang of jealousy (or two), there are a few strategies to steal from this type of agile corporate climber—especially if you’re on the introverted side. Here, four career experts weigh in.

Adopt Innovative ThinkingIt’s clear that taking initiative at work by managing challenging projects or developing a solution to a manager’s problem can lead to praise from peers and senior leaders. But beyond that, extroverted types tend to embrace innovative thinking and non-traditional ways of working. Shane Snow, co-founder of Contently and author of Smartcuts: The Breakthrough Power of Lateral Thinking, calls it “10x thinking.” He recommends asking yourself, “What if I had to do this 10 times better? This forces you to consider different approaches, because you can't just work extra hours to accomplish a goal that big. It also helps you to think of problems in terms of ‘first principles,’ or to boil them down to fundamentals rather than taking any assumptions or conventions as granted. When you do that, you can discover ways to make your effort go further, and therefore you can get ahead faster.”

Keep LearningStanding out in the office calls for willingness to move beyond your job description to broaden your knowledge base. The only way to expand your learning is to master a new skill, and extroverts fully understand this. “People get promoted abnormally because they are playing a different game than everyone else,” says Dorie Clark, marketing strategist and author of Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It. “They are innovating and experimenting on their own time. They are taking on different duties or trying new things that show an independence and creativity that gets them noticed.” Clark suggests taking a class in an unfamiliar area or finding a solution that addresses a problem within your company.

Be PreparedWhile most extroverts have no qualms about rattling off opinions during meetings, introverts usually need more time to collect their thoughts. Understanding this by preparing in advance can help introverts control their nerves and contribute thoughtful comments on the level of their extroverted counterparts. “Sometimes the loudest person seems to win,” says Clark. “It is useful to prepare in advance and literally have a comment in mind. Especially if you are trying to change your brand—if you’ve received feedback that you are too quiet or too shy—challenge yourself to be the first person to make a comment in the meeting. The act of doing that neutralizes the fear of that over time.”

Promote Your AccomplishmentsWork isn’t the place to be shy about your achievements. Believe it or not, no one notices stellar work if you’re strapped to your desk day after day oblivious to the opportunities that arise to share your work successes. “This can sometimes make moving up the chain harder than it should be,” says Kathryn Minshew, co-founder and CEO of The Muse and co-author of the forthcoming book, The New Rules of Work. “To succeed, introverts need to have a good sense of where they shine, and find opportunities to make sure their managers are aware. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be a full team meeting—a small one-on-one will do as well.”

Find a SponsorIdentifying individuals in the office who care about your advancement is key. Regardless of whether you’re reserved or not, spending productive time away from your cubicle or office to connect with colleagues can help build your reputation. “Look for senior-level individuals who have a generosity of spirit, who seem to enjoy helping others,” says Alexandra Levit, author of Blind Spots: 10 Business Myths You Can't Afford to Believe on Your New Path to Success. “Ask what they are working on and identify ways to assist. Your goal is to develop a relationship so that the individual can recognize your promise and hopefully engage with you as a sponsor within the organization.”

Master Body LanguageWe’ve all heard about the importance of making a good first impression. But aside from speaking confidently and looking polished, much of this involves body language. For instance, paying attention to your posture can help shape your colleagues’ view of you in the office. “People start forming first impressions in just the first four seconds,” Minshew says. “This means that when you walk into a meeting, some people have already made a decision about you by the time you sit down. So stand upright, have a brisk walk, and do your best to physically convey that you want to be there and are confident in your ability to be a valuable part of the discussion.”

Embrace Meaningful Networking OpportunitiesGone are the days of delivering a rehearsed elevator pitch, exchanging business cards mindlessly, and hoping for the best. Your goal should be to develop connections that are beneficial for both parties. “The best way to build relationships with new people is to be helpful,” says Snow. “Is there some information, entertainment, or feedback you have that they might appreciate? That's a good way to get a conversation going.” People at senior levels can also appreciate you being in their success, Snow says. He recommends thinking of ways to support a cause they care about, or even their friends, or students (if they happen to be educators in some capacity).

As for networking events, Clark says introverts must embrace their personality and simply pace themselves. “You are not going to be successful if you try to push yourself to socialize as much as extroverts and find yourself worn down and tired from it,” Clark warns. “It is important to really understand what types of events you actually enjoy and which ones are tiring for you. You may feel different about small group dinners as opposed to going to a big charity banquet.”

And once you’ve established a solid rapport with a contact, avoid being a constant taker, which can be draining for your new connection. “Don’t be the person who just reaches out when you want something,” says Minshew. “Find small ways to stay connected. “When used appropriately, social media can be a great tool for staying on someone's radar in between coffees and e-mail exchanges.”

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