The Metaphysics of Healthy Eating and Drinking - A Response to "What the Health"

The Metaphysics of Healthy Eating and Drinking - A Response to "What the Health"
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The tree of life with fruit and leaves for healing from Revelation 22.

The tree of life with fruit and leaves for healing from Revelation 22.

It appears that, in these days of lightning-fast digital information downloads and the proliferation of fringe-science publishing and media, the "barbarians" of enlightenment are beginning to break down the stony walls of health orthodoxy and uproot the false rudiments of western medicine. As a practicing vegan for the past ten years, a former hospital chaplain and still active health-practitioner, I share the sentiments in the recently released documentary, "What the Health" by Kip Andersen. For so many who I have worked with, whenever diet is brought into the equation, there is a strong backlash and a kind of personal disgust and offense like I am spreading some kind of heresy.

The main problem that I have found is that we, as a society, are heavily indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe that we need meat and dairy when, truthfully, we don't. But what shocks me the most is the resistance to such revelation within the spiritual communities that I hold dear. When I try to share my experience as someone who has been able to ween off of meat, dairy, and sugar, - and found profound health and energy benefits from doing so - I am constantly hit with arguments that use sacred and divine teachings to justify unnecessary consumption.

This, of course, is not surprising - the human mind likes comfortability, especially when it tastes good, and does not want to change its ways. But the reasons for not eating meat and dairy are not just bio-medical, but metaphysical - or primarily dealing with the realm of thought. For instance, "What the Health" points out that cancers and antibodies disappear when meat cells are replaced in the blood stream with plant cells. What may explain this? It is important to understand the power of cruel, angry, and fearful thoughts in relation to disease and diet.

Any time an animal is killed for food, there is a kind of mental energy exerted by the hunter - and by the prey - that is rooted in animal aggression which results in fearful energy. One thing that I have learned in my thousands of interactions with those seeking healing is that fear can be tangibly felt when elicited - and - it has a reverse impact on the healing process. It can even result in the immediate feeling of discomfort and sickness.

I have felt the impact of fearful stimuli and response in the professional medical sphere and I imagine anyone else involved in the healthcare industry can attest to the same. Fear has a profound effect on health and sickness. Now imagine this same cause and effect not just through one individual being - but thousands upon thousands. That is what our mass-industrialized meat and dairy economy is generating. Thousands upon thousands of living creatures kept in cages, herded and treated brutally on a daily basis create a type of "sick energy" that is then portioned, branded, and sold to all sectors of society under the funding, approval, and promotion of the American Medical Association, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and, tacitly, the US Government through the United States Department of Agriculture.

The most clear example of understanding the metaphysics of health come from the Hebrew Scriptures about Daniel the Prophet. When Daniel and other Hebrew boys first come to Babylon, they refuse to eat the King's meat and stick to vegetables and water. The book mentions Daniel's other forms of fasting, but no scientific result is more widely known than when Daniel is thrown into the Lion's Den (Daniel Chapter 6). What a wonderful friend and mentor of mine pointed out to me in our discussions about veganism and the health benefits of a plant-based diet, was that Daniel, who actively refused meat products and chose veganism, was not devoured by the lions. My whole life I was told that it was a miracle and product of Daniel's prayers, but had never made the correlation between his diet and lifestyle choices and his survival in the lion's den. In fact, those who did partake of the King's meats and fancy foods are thrown into the den after Daniel is released and are immediately eaten. Coincidence? I think not.

Daniel in the Lions Den (Daniel 6)

Daniel in the Lions Den (Daniel 6)

Metaphysics impacts every aspect of our existence - not only food and health. What we also must consider is how these same principles apply to our water sources. It is coming to the surface that many of the water sources in the United States are polluted which cause the very water that we drink to become poisonous and to damage our bodies and minds. Recent news in places like Michigan and California are showing the direct correlation between the use of public water supplies and cancer and other deadly diseases. Part of this is not only the physical dumping of chemicals into our water supplies, but also even how water is being conceived of mentally and what is being spoken over and around it.

If this sounds a bit farfetched, check out the scientific research done by Dr. Masaru Emoto that states human consciousness has an impact on water. His experiments showed that words and music could actually change the molecular structure of hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Although challenged by many other of his scientific peers, his research holds up in other areas of society. Even the concept of witchcraft or vodoo, further supported by placebo and nocebo research within the realm of medicine and applied on mass-scales to marketing and advertising, supports Emoto's research that words and thoughts can be felt and have tangible results.

Disturbingly, much of these aspects can be seen in our food and water supplies here in the United States. If angry energy, negative words, and fear are the core environments in which our food and water is transformed into consumables, wouldn't sensitive people be able to actually feel and experience the detriments of these tainted products? Just as relevantly, wouldn't it be possible to reverse these negative impacts and pioneer into new realms of energetic benefit and health through our food, water, words and thoughts?

Food and diet is definitely a powerful demonstration of how the rubber of metaphysics hits the road of health. Much more than simply "mind over matter", these discoveries unlock the answers to humanity's deepest questions about heath which powerful practitioners throughout history, including Jesus of Nazareth, who taught us to "take no thought for our lives what we eat or drink" (Matthew 6:25). The old saying is that we are what we eat, but, perhaps as an acceptable corollary, we are what we think. If we are not taking thought about our life - about our food and drink - someone else is! We must be careful to defend our own consciousness around dietary choices, or we are liable to become victims of these others thoughts and may end up drifting into what other people think and want us to do.

Just as the movie "What the Health" hopes to inspire people to change their eating habits, my hope is that this article will inspire you to embrace your role as a healer - not only in your own life, but in the lives of others, as well. I will continue to experiment with my all plant-based diets, consistent juice/liquid fasting schedules, replacing water from the tap with 9.5ph alkaline water, and the practice of speaking healthful, pure and powerful words over myself and others, as well as watching my thought to make sure I am only cherishing what is good and true about my innate spiritual identity. I will continue to keep a close eye not just on what I eat, but what I watch, the media and the content of the media that I consume and allow my children to view. I will also continue to practice healing modalities that use the words and sentiments of Scripture to encourage and heal when spoken, thought, and affirmed over patients.

So I encourage you to experiment with some of these things for yourself - and not allow yourself to be dragged into the widespread net of public thought that is pulling us into sickness based on popular trends of food, economics, and culture. You have the self-discipline and wisdom needed to refute faulty advertising and mental influence. Every time you shop or cook or choose what to watch you are in an act of worship, exercising your God-given freedoms which, when followed, always lead to health - these are your divine rights that no one can take away! And each time you do you are contributing to a mass-move of consciousness that is getting away from tyranny, domination, and slavery and pushing into the promised land of self-knowledge, power, and spiritual peace. We must not forget that we are in this together - and we are making some major progress so let's not give up now, onward!

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