The Most Expensive Colleges

The Most Expensive Colleges

Think your college is expensive? Think again!

Campus Grotto has compiled a list of the most expensive colleges in the nation. Sarah Lawrence tops the list ( and has for the past 5 years, a dubious honor) and this year, for the first time, its listed sticker price even tops $60,000 dollars (It has come in above $60,000 with various fees before, but has never been expressly identified as such).

Campus Grotto has more, slightly better, news:

The price tags shown for these institutions do not mean that these schools are financially out of reach.

Just because these schools have high tuition does not mean you will actually be paying that amount. Many schools will provide a financial aid package that meets 100% of a student's financial need (Cost of Attendance - Estimated Family Contribution). While going to college is still expensive, many of the colleges here offer excellent financial aid packages. Some colleges, like Brown University, even eliminate tuition altogether for lower income students.

Check out our slide show of the most expensive colleges. Then tell us, are these schools worth it? Weigh in below!

Before You Go

15. Pitzer College

The Most Expensive Colleges

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