The Most Important Business Question

The Most Important Business Question
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As you may know, I have a passion for small businesses and I love - absolutely love - helping people get the results they want.

There's an important question we need to use both in our business and in our lives.

I've been reading Brené Brown's book, Rising Strong, and I've done a Periscope and blog about Bad Assery I In Your Life and Business, but now there's another topic I want to share...

In Rising Strong, Brené shares with us a time that she was asked to speak at a conference. She says yes to this because she feels obligated - not because she really wants to. She has to share a hotel room with another speaker at the conference and she hates sharing a room. That person had some nasty personal habits that she didn't like either. This created an environment filled with judgment and discomfort for Brené.

There's a point in the book where she describes a conversation she had with her husband. This conversation led her to wonder what if she asked one single question to everyone she came into contact with.

What if that person is doing the best they can?

Would I feel the way I feel about my encounters with these people if I knew with absolute certainty that they were doing the best they were capable of in that very moment?

Think for a moment of someone who bothers you right now. Ask yourself - if you knew with 100% certainty that they were doing the best they could in those situations, would you still feel the same way?

This question has been rattling around in my head because I start to reflect it back at myself.

In sending out copies of Pilot To Profit: Navigating Modern Entrepreneurship to Build Your Business Using Online Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing and Sales, I've been signing the books with, "Live your true potential." We all have potential inside of us, but our efforts can pale in comparison to our true potential. When we ask ourselves if we're doing the best we possibly can, and if we're honest, we can make adjustments to improve things both ourselves and our business.

On a scale of 1-10 do you believe you're doing the best you can- even if it's just for that day? Leave a comment below.

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