'The Rock Ock': The World's Largest, Fully Playable, Multi-Necked String Instrument

The World's Largest, Fully Playable, Multi-Necked String Instrument

Usually when things have to be qualified a lot, they're not the best. The best pre-Renaissance choral music singer under 12 in the Pacific Northwest? Not exactly the best. But now we've met the exception. It's the Rock Ock: the world's largest, fully playable, multi-necked string instrument. Other monster guitars exist, but they are presumably neither as useful or as gifted in necks as the Rock Ock. Therefore, not as good as the Rock Ock. We will continue to prove our point to you now with big numbers: 154 frets, 80 fingers, 51 strings, 40 pounds, 16 hands and 8 necks (that's guitar and human necks), working it out to Robert Johnson's oft-covered "Crossroads." Rock your ocks off below.


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