Trump Is a Gift for Liberals

Just whatTrump's platform, anyway? I still don't know and he declared his candidacy way back in June of last year. All I know is that he wants to build a "great" wall and that it somehow keeps getting taller and bigger.
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Now that it's all but a formality, however reluctant you are, it's time for liberals to stand behind Secretary Clinton, shielded by her cloak, or cape, or whatever the hell it is we're calling that thing, and support her. Whole-heartedly and WITH GREAT FERVOR!

*Pour some maple syrup out for our homie, Bernie

And likewise, on the other side, it's even more of a certainty that Donald Trump will be the party's nominee, (steady yourself) so yes, conservatives, it's time for you to get behind your golden-skinned breathable bag, accept him for what he is, and think of a way to change him before November gets here. Because if you don't, if he doesn't change, if you don't secretly enroll him in a crash course of "How To Become Electable In Nine Months," the election, as far as I am concerned, is over before it began.

The irritative, rash-quality Trump -- the current version of Trump that we see today -- will gift wrap the general election for the Democrats in November. If he doesn't change. Obnoxious can't and won't win an election-- especially in our country's long and drawn out election process-- especially against formidable and trained politicians, whomever they may be (including someone like Michael Bloomberg should he decide to run as an independent). And say what you want about Rubio, Kasich, and Cruz (and I can say a lot), at least the three have concrete policies and ideas about what they want to accomplish. I know where they stand on health care and how they want to pay for it. All I know about Mr. Trump is that we're going to have "competition," with "great plans."


Just what is Trump's platform, anyway? I still don't know and he declared his candidacy way back in June of last year. All I know is that he wants to build a "great" wall and that it somehow keeps getting taller and bigger.

Trump's inability to define his policies to voters has boiled over, resulting in his very public venting fits and obvious frustrations, especially recently, when pressed by other candidates, as we saw Marco Rubio do to him during the Houston debate.

And journalists are now beginning to learn from Rubio and press him (even harder) for clarification and specifics on past statements and what he actually plans to do as president. When a simple question about whether or not he denounced the support of former KKK leader David Duke, a question that any politician would have answered with relative ease, Trump got flustered, upset, and lashed out at the reporter. This is an unhinging I'd expect to see from a college football coach being asked why he went for it on 4th and 2, not the soon-to-be republican nominee for President.

"Who are you, by the way? Who do you work for," Trump demanded. When the reporter politely said he was with SiriusXM, Trump concluded the verbal SMS with "Okay very good. Good job." And we all know that "good job" was really a euphemism for "You're a loser. How dare you ask me a question."

Being raw and unpolished can oftentimes be a good thing. Just ask a vegan or silversmith. Not having every speech written down or read from a teleprompter does connect with some people, people grown tired of the professional, insider politician-- like a Secretary Clinton. Perhaps you can even coast by with this amount of tarnish in a primary season, or short-term. But as the debate stage shrinks from twelve, to six, to five, and finally to just Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump, someone better whisper in his ear that a certain level of calm, humility, and serenity is a good thing, and it just might give him a fighting chance come November.


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