The View from Above the Clouds in Your Virtual Business

The View from Above the Clouds in Your Virtual Business
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One of my favorite things about being an entrepreneur with a virtual business is that I can work from anywhere. Well, anywhere that has an Internet connection and my computer, that is - and these days, that's a lot of places!

In fact, as I write this blog post I'm in an airplane high above the clouds looking down at the sunny Grand Canyon. How lucky is that? (I kind of wish I were down there right now with a backpack and a walking stick...)


I love this view because it reminds me of something that applies to business as well as goal setting: the importance of taking time to look at the view from above the clouds.

Below the Clouds, We Only See So Far

This morning when I woke up it was cloudy out. The first hints of June Gloom are teasing us here in Southern California, and when I left the house I was met with a crisp grey morning (the kind I always loved on the East Coast).

I wore a sweater because it was a little cooler than usual due to the cloud cover, and my sunglasses sat unused in my luggage. No need for eye protection in the gloom.

Under the clouds, I can only see so far. My building, my car, the other people, maybe some shops. I only see what's within my immediate vicinity and that's what is most important to me.

I can't tell that above the clouds there's a huge, blue sky and a bright, glittering sun, even though in the back of my mind I assume that they're there. I think about taking out the trash before I go to the airport and closing all the windows in case it rains.

Above the Clouds, We See the World

And now I sit here, above the earth, looking down at a landscape that was completely out of context back on the ground. When I look out the window, I am reminded that there is a big world beyond my Southern Californian existence - a beautiful world.

And if I can remember that, and think beyond the immediate tasks of writing my blog post, balancing my budget, speaking with clients on the phone - if I can imagine where my business will be in a year and plan for it, I believe I have a much greater chance of accomplishing the business goals that I have set.

Of course, there are so many things to do when you run a business. You don't need me to remind you of the required consistent marketing efforts, networking events, email exchanges and perhaps even travel that is simply part of being a business owner.

But for today, I encourage you to set aside some time to envision your business on a greater scale. Where would you like to be in a year? Who do you want to work with, and why? What does your business look like from thousands of feet in the air?

You just might find some new solutions.

And by the way, if you have a tried and tested method for accomplishing this mindset shift, I'd love to hear about it! Leave a comment in the area below.

Allison Volk specializes in creating authority and visibility for businesses and entrepreneurs through effective content marketing. Her clients have appeared in The Huffington Post,, Mind Body Green, LifeHack, Bitter Lemons and, to name a few. Find out more at

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