Cast Members Of HBO's 'The Wire' Have Accidental Mini-Reunion

Here's what it'd look like if "The Wire" were still on TV but all the problems were solved.

From the looks of this reunion, the streets of New York City are much better for smiling than those of Baltimore.

Jimmy McNulty and state senator Clay Davis were far from friends in HBO's "The Wire," but that hasn't kept the actors behind the roles -- Dominic West and Isiah Whitlock Jr. -- from still sharing a "great camaraderie," as Whitlock's friend and business partner, Richard Hine, shared with The Huffington Post .

Hine was having lunch with Whitlock yesterday, and just when they were leaving the restaurant, West happened to walk by them.

"It was a completely chance encounter," Hine said. "They chatted for a few minutes about the projects they're working and what other co-stars from 'The Wire' were up to."

Hine also told HuffPost that he was surprised such an encounter took place, since West is based in London.

"I didn't expect to ever see a Jimmy McNulty-Clay Davis reunion, so when the historic moment happened, I made sure to capture it," said Hine.

HuffPost interviewed Whitlock earlier this year regarding behind-the-scene stories from "The Wire" and what it has been like to have the catchphrase, "sheeeeeeeeeit," continue to follow him since the show's end.

"I was a little surprised," Whitlock had said of the line's popularity. "I wish I could, you know, sit here and say I knew that this would like be a big catchphrase or something like that ... I never really paid much attention to it."

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