These Are The Stories We Need To Hear: Gun Violence Victims Talk About Life After The News Vans Roll Away

These Are The Stories We Need To Hear: Gun Violence Victims Talk About Life After The News Stops

This story was first published in June. In light of Monday's mass shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., we're giving these Americans another opportunity to tell the stories of how lives are tragically altered by gun violence. Click the tiles below to hear their original accounts.

WASHINGTON -- In March, The Huffington Post set up a voicemail account for readers to share stories about how gun violence had touched their lives. They had lost parents, sons and daughters, friends and classmates. Their mother dodged bullets in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater. They counseled Sandy Hook school children. They answered a teenager's anguished knock. They held a stranger in the last bloody moments. They were shot in the head. They still remember everything.

The audio stories have been edited for continuity and length. The project was produced by Brad Shannon, Aaron Bycoffe and Andrei Scheinkman.

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