50 Things To Do At Least Once When You're Over 50

50 Things To Do At Least Once When You're Over 50

Fifty is as good a time as any to take stock of what you've done and accomplished in your life, and figure out what more you'd like to do with your time now that you're both older and (maybe a little) wiser. Hence the bucket list, a list of things one would like to do before they die.

If you're looking to add some items to your bucket list, you are in luck! We've created a list of things we think people should do at least once in their lives. How many of these have you already done? Tell us in the comments section, or add your own suggestions to the list.

  1. Karaoke.
  2. Go on a road trip with friends.
  3. Dramatically change your hairstyle or look.
  4. Learn a new language.
  5. Formally learn a style of dance.
  6. Get a tattoo.
  7. Travel to an exotic destination.
  8. Go skinny dipping.
  9. Build something yourself (Ikea assembly, while impressive, doesn't count).
  10. Help fix an issue that has always bothered you through volunteering.
  11. Learn about your family history.
  12. Scuba dive.
  13. Buy the car you've always wanted -- or at least test drive it.
  14. Find an old school friend.
  15. Become something of an expert in something you've always found interesting.
  16. Climb a mountain.
  17. Single ladies: Ask someone out on a date.
  18. Fellas: Make a brand new friend without your wife or significant other.
  19. Pull an all-nighter.
  20. Splurge on something extravagant.
  21. Go ziplining.
  22. Join a flash mob.
  23. Take a job that feels a bit outside your comfort zone.
  24. Have a meal at one of the world's top restaurants.
  25. Conquer one of your biggest fears.
  26. Participate in one of the world's most well-known festivals: Mardi Gras, Oktoberfest, Running of the Bulls and the like.
  27. Tell someone what you REALLY think of them.
  28. Fly first class.
  29. Become a mentor.
  30. Go skydiving.
  31. Master public speaking.
  32. Repair something all by yourself.
  33. Have an honest-to-goodness adventure.
  34. Go on a trip by yourself.
  35. Live abroad -- we're not talking about a week-long vacation.
  36. Get really good at a bar game.
  37. Read that classic you've faked having read for years.
  38. Have sex or engage in a sex act in an unusual place.
  39. Throw a party that has people talking for weeks.
  40. Go camping.
  41. Teach someone how to do something you're really good at doing.
  42. Get a custom dress or suit.
  43. Gamble (but like our friend Kenny Rogers would say, know when to fold them).
  44. If single, go on a blind date.
  45. Own something that makes you feel like a millionaire.
  46. Travel for a concert.
  47. Forgive someone for hurting you.
  48. Make an elaborate and wildly impressive meal for guests.
  49. Cultivate a green thumb.
  50. Participate in a movement you believe in.

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