This Election is About The Evolution of The Human Race

This Election is About The Evolution of Humanity
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It's About Us

I turn 56 in a few weeks and I've never even bothered to register to vote before because I've always suspected something that so many people are finding out to be true this year; that we do not live in an authentic democracy and haven't for a very long time. Don't judge me for this, I've been disenfranchised as long as I can remember. We assassinated our own president in 1963, I lost friends from my high school in Vietnam, Nixon was a blatant crook and I've never felt there was ever a candidate that represented me or my values.

However, if Bernie Sanders decides to run as an independent candidate as a result of not being chosen as the nominee at the Democratic Convention, I'll vote for the first time ever. Bernie's campaign just isn't about a Political Revolution, it's happening in the midst of Human Evolution and you're going to be shocked at how quickly this happens.

Humanity is evolving, right in front of our eyes. We're coming to the end of an era that has spanned thousands of years and to understand what's happening on the planet right now, it's important to look at our current election process in a much broader context. The following things may seemingly have nothing to do with the election itself, but seeing them all together can help us get our minds around this cycle we're moving through.

Our healthcare system is a broken $3 Trillion Industry. Sanders wants to guarantee healthcare to every citizen as a basic right but to make healthcare affordable, we're going to have to fix the underlying cause of the system's dysfunction. As this article points out, the simple reason that healthcare in this country is broken is because the model that science & modern medicine uses to understand biology and life is fundamentally wrong.

Bernie is the only candidate who is actually serious about climate change as well and this is interesting from the standpoint that what we're talking about here with global warming is an anthropogenic planetary disease (caused by human activity).

Our collective lack of understanding about nature, about science and about the truth of existence is making our planet sick.

Sanders has been very clear about the idea that we should value the Native American philosophy that we are part of nature and if we destroy the environment, we are destroying ourselves. We've poisoned our environment, our minds and our bodies for many decades and it's time that we detox ourselves on a mass scale.

When we look at how corporate greed has taken over our democracy, how Washington's gridlock has rendered our government completely dysfunctional, how Citizens United has taken an already broken down election process and made it utterly corrupt, how the main stream media is owned by only six corporations and the fact that top one tenth of one percent own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent, we can see a diseased political system. None of this is indicative of a healthy society.

The DNC and RNC are imploding right in front of our faces as the Republican Party establishment is freaking out about Trump and the Democratic Party is in the midst of a civil war as only 20% of Democrats are actually enthusiastic about Hillary and 50% prefer Bernie Sanders (and a large percentage of those have vowed to never vote for her). Should it be too surprising that a reality TV star made buffoons out of the television networks and propelled himself forward as the presumptive nominee?

Hillary Clinton is a former first-lady and senator who's a professional insider; should we be too surprised that she's an expert at working the system and manipulating the networks to do her bidding? Our democracy, if we ever even had one, is not well and in serious need of resuscitation right now.

It's time for us to get well, individually and collectively.

As we heal individually, as humanity heals globally and as the Earth heals, what we would expect to see is a healing crisis and that's exactly what we're observing. The old, archaic, brittle old structures are collapsing in front of us and as they do, they're not going to go quietly into the night. As these obsolete and corrupt carcasses from our past die off, they're going to go down kicking and screaming.

Darkness is simply the absence of light and as we bring more and more light into the planet and shine the light on the our collective psychosis and planetary dis-ease, the forces behind all the corruption and inequality are going to fight for their lives and that's exactly what we're seeing in everything from Trump and Hillary to ISIS and Al Qaeda. When you look at all the voting irregularities, suppression, fraud and deceit, take solace in the fact that what we're witnessing is the death of some old systems that are no longer serving us.

While there can be a conflict of interest between being empathetic towards the old guard and breaking away from those who are intent on maintaining the status quo, as we evolve to higher states of consciousness we can replace empathy with compassion and rise above the fray. For example, as hard as it may be to be empathetic towards someone like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, it's only through compassion towards her that we can hope to bring about meaningful change.

The Merging of Science & Spirituality as the Answer

Science is fundamentally wrong about nature, we've killed 100 million of our brothers and sisters in the name of religions over the past 100 years and greed, selfishness, hatred, bigotry, entitlement and arrogance are destroying the structure of our society. What's at stake here is much more than who's going to be our next commander in chief. The future of our culture as well as our planet is at stake and people around the world are hoping and praying for a Bernie victory.

If we suspend disbelief for just long enough to assume that there is a common, legitimate basis that is shared amongst all the major religions, we can imagine that it's been human misinterpretations or misperceptions that have created the differences between them. When we examine all the world religions and extract the common denominators from each one, we can re-synthesize these commonalities and create a new composite model for understanding spirituality that is internally self-consistent with each.

It would be unscientific to ignore all the ancient religious books on the grounds that they present data that contradicts your own personal worldview. Science is supposed to be a wide eyed, open minded quest for the Truth, no matter where that leads and by reconciling contradictory belief systems between science and spirituality, our minds as well as our bodies can heal. The chasm between politicsscience and religion has crippled the planet and we can't afford to debate this any longer.

All religions emphasize one form or another of the Golden Rule but an even more prominent thread between all the religions is an idea of a universal consciousness that we are all part of. The Mayans say In Lak'ech, which means "I am another You", Hindus say Namaste, which means "The divinity within me bows down to the divinity within you" and even some interpretations of Jesus' Golden Rule suggest that what he said wasn't "Do onto others as you would do onto yourself" but rather "Do onto others because they are yourself"!

While Quantum Mechanics (QM) can't possibly prove the theory of a universal consciousness (because we can't create testable predictions with such a theory), QM does provide compelling corroboration to this idea that consciousness is fundamental to our existence, presented in each religion.

Whether you're an atheist or a devout religious person, a scientist or a artist, what's important to understand here is that when we embrace a new model of consciousness that accommodates both science and spirituality into a unified understanding of both, we can solve all the world's problems overnight.

We have an amazing opportunity right now to evolve our species, in real-time. By evolving science to incorporate the idea of universal consciousness and by injecting science in an inner-faith dialog of all of our spiritual differences, we can begin to realize that we are all indeed a one world family and begin to heal.

This election isn't about Bernie, it's about our future.

Frank Huguenard holds a degree in science from Purdue University and spent decades in product development in Silicon Valley prior to embarking on a career in documentary film production, specializing in films bridging the gap between Science & Spirituality. He draws on his research in the fields of combination of psychology, physics, wisdom traditions, sociology and history. You can see his films at

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