This Famous Harry Potter Tree Is Getting Surgery

James Potter and Sirius Black would be proud. Snape... not so much.

We can’t leaf this tree alone!

A historic tree featured in the fifth “Harry Potter” film, “Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix,” is in danger of toppling over.

Cliff Hide/Blenheim Palace

The aged cedar of Lebanon tree, located in the grounds of Blenheim Palace, is 55 feet tall and has a massive hole in the trunk. The hole makes it so that the tree could tip over at any moment. But a rescue plan is in the works.

Tree surgeons ― yes, this is a thing ― are using “climbers and a cherry picker to fix cables to its larger upper branches and attach them to nearby trees” to reduce the chances of collapse.

Cliff Hide/Blenheim Palace

Potter fans will remember the tree from a scene in “Order of the Phoenix” when Snape has a flashback of being bullied by James Potter and Sirius Black, during which Snape is held upside down from the top of the tree.

Of the massive effort to save the tree, Roy Cox, head of estates at Blenheim Palace, told The Sun that it’s because the tree “could live for many more decades.”

Cliff Hide/Blenheim Palace

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