This is for All Mothers....
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"This is for All Mothers," gasps Eustacia Cutler, barely catching her breath, as she is gifted the EMMY Award that Julia Ormond won for portraying her in the HBO film, Temple Grandin

"For all mothers who work in silence... guiding their child with autism." Eustacia continues in tears.

"Autism is a family disorder. Everyone is affected."

What an amazing moment. What an expression of generosity by Julia Ormond!
What extraordinary women -- Eustacia Cutler and Julia Ormond who value sacrifice, mothering -- love above fame, fortune and even art. Ms. Ormond states that in all her roles -- her finest role is that of being a mother to her daughter.

I feel so fortunate to have experienced this up close and personal at Vista Del Mar's autism conference. As a mother of a child with autism and as a professional working in the field of autism, I know too well the challenges and yet the amazing rewards of being with those who perceive the world differently. I applaud Julia Ormond for acknowledging Eustacia's efforts, heart and wisdom -- as well as her talents. "If things had been different for Eustacia, I know she would have won many of these."

And I honor Eustacia for knowing that she did what she needed to do.
As all of us Mom's know.

Thank you, Eustacia, Thank you Julia. Thank you for inspiring us to give our all, to give back, and to love, love, love.

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