This Is the Best Beginner Core Workout You Could Be Doing

This Is the Best Beginner Core Workout You Could Be Doing
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The era of the crunch is rapidly coming to an end.

Instead, we’re faced with a new dawn, featuring a holistic way of strengthening our abs: core exercises.

The beauty of core workouts is that they encompass the entire trunk of the body – not just isolated sections.

You see, our core includes much more than just the muscles that make up our “six-pack.”

The glutes, inner abdominal wall muscles, pelvic floor, and hips make up this critical region, and it’s from here that all of our power is derived to perform any movement.

The problem that many beginners face is that they try to get visible “abs” through hundreds of reps of time-wasting and useless ab exercises like crunches.

Crunches don’t work because they ignore the main function of the abdominals: to support the spine and prevent it from excessive twisting or bending, which can cause damage.

And crunches also put stress on your spinal discs. Not to mention, less abdominal muscles are engaged during exercises like the crunch as compared to core exercises like planks (1).

This is because core exercises – for instance, planks – engage and strengthen the foundation of your entire middle region.

Without creating this base, achieving a tight and toned middle is going to be difficult because your inner abdominal muscle (the transverse abdominis) is receiving no attention.

By not strengthening this inner muscle, which wraps around your entire midsection, you miss out on its “wrap” or “corset” effect, which tightens and draws in your stomach.

Along with getting your midsection in summer-ready shape (alongside a clean diet of whole foods, of course), core exercises also help improve all your other movements.

Whether it’s running or lifting weights, core exercises provide the stability and power necessary to perform movements ranging from sports to mundane activities like moving furniture. They are also excellent for improving your posture (2).

Mind-Muscle Connection

Before we get started, keep in mind that when you’re doing these exercises you have to make a mind-muscle connection. Focus on engaging your core by pulling your belly in toward your spine during each movement.

Studies have shown that focusing exclusively on the muscles you’re targeting helps increase their activity (3).

The Best Beginner Core Workout

This core workout uses exercises that tighten the entire core, which will aid in zipping up your abdominal region like a corset made of muscle (without the breathlessness!).

Aim to perform this circuit three times, with a one minute rest between.

1. Plank

Begin lying on your belly on the floor, with your weight on your elbows directly under your shoulders. Extend your legs behind you, rise up on your toes, pressing your weight into your heels (this helps to stop the butt from sagging).

The Plank Exercise
The Plank Exercise

Keep your core tight, pulling in your abs, while making sure your body stays in a straight line from head to heel. If this is too difficult, you can hold the same position, but drop your knees to the floor.

Hold for 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise.

2. Bird dog

Begin on your hands and knees, with your core engaged and spine neutral.

Bird Dog Exercise (Starting Position)
Bird Dog Exercise (Starting Position)

Simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg off the ground, extending your leg behind you and arm in front of you.

Bird Dog Exercise
Bird Dog Exercise

Hold for five seconds, return to your starting position and repeat for 10-12 reps.

3. Side plank

Begin on your side with your weight on your left elbow directly under your left shoulder. With you knees slightly bent, lift your hips off the ground.

The Side Plank Exercise
The Side Plank Exercise

Hold for 30 seconds on each side, remembering to keep your hips lifted.

4. Bridge

Begin on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

The Bridge Exercise (Starting Position)
The Bridge Exercise (Starting Position)

Engaging your glute, lift your hips toward the ceiling. At the height of the movement, there should be a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

The Bridge Exercise
The Bridge Exercise

Hold for five seconds at the top, then lower. Repeat for 10-12 reps.

These core exercises will help you sculpt a tight core and strengthen your entire body, without wasting time on ineffective crunches.

Try It and See

If you put your mind into your muscles, by the end of that circuit your entire core, from your hips to your ribs, should be feeling it.

And not only that, as your core gets stronger, you’ll be able to do practically every other exercise in your routine even better.

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