Thriving In Chaos?

Thriving In Chaos?
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How’s that workin’ for ya?

How’s that workin’ for ya?

You have probably heard the saying before, "Oh, I thrive on chaos" - usually describing how someone is able to reach their goals in the midst of competing and sometimes overly-dramatic circumstances. The idea that we are able to rise to any occasions is a badge of courage for many people. However, as with anything, awareness is crucial to making genuinely conscious decisions. In the case of thriving in chaos, one question that may be important to ask is "What is underneath the need to have chaos in order to perform at a seemingly high level?"

When I hear someone say they work better under pressure or adversity, my next question is "What about pressure or adversity makes you feel your output is better?" The answer is usually very telling because, for some, their primary motivation to perform is fear or threat of undesirable repercussions. The discussion then becomes whether or not that person is comfortable being motivated by fear. Depending on the person, and the situation, your mileage may vary. However, the key is having the awareness that fear is the motivator, and assessing whether or not one is indeed "thriving" when their actions are based on fear.

In other cases, there are some who become almost addicted to the adrenaline that comes from being in constant motion with the rush and danger of living slightly outside of the balance of life. While it can feel productive to the individual, it can actually be destructive in the long-run for everything from health to family to career.

Now one important point in this analysis is defining what "thriving" means to any one individual. Another old adage, "The end justifies the means" comes to mind. For some, the final result is the only milestone of importance regardless of the level of draining and sometimes, unnecessary additional stress. However, others may be able to reach the same final result, but to them, the journey itself is the determining factor in whether or not the experience allowed them to thrive. They are somehow able to land in the exact same spot, or perhaps somewhere else completely, but with a completely different mindset, and even level of satisfaction.

Is it truly possible to thrive in chaos? That depends on the individual.

However, more importantly, the question one may want to ask themselves is "Do I want to?"

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