10 Things Guys Need To STOP Doing On Tinder Right Now

10 Things Guys Need To STOP Doing On Tinder Right Now

Have you heard of Tinder, the dating app that's taking over millennials' iPhones? Most singles between the ages of 18-45 have probably glanced at the matchmaking app that uses Facebook profiles to suggest potential mates (as a bonus, it also indicates common friends and interests).

But really, success hinges on a snap judgment of one profile photo. There is no room for detailed bios or personal history. Simply swiping a photo to the left means you're not interested, and swiping to the right means you are. If, and ONLY if the feeling is mutual, you can then communicate over chat on the app.

Our parents told us not to judge a book by its cover, but in the world of Tinder, this is exactly what we end up doing -- which is why choosing a good profile picture can mean the difference between loneliness and love.

Sorry, guys, but you're up first. We're tired of seeing the same deal breakers over and over again, so here are ten things that the men of Tinder really need to stop doing. Trust us, we're the ones swiping.

Stop staring into the abyss. We can’t see your face.
Ascent Xmedia via Getty Images
Stop posing with your "hot car."
Keith Wright via Getty Images
Stop covering half your face. We still can't see you.
Ivan Navarro via Getty Images
Stop posting photos of you smoking.
Michael Rowe via Getty Images
Stop posing with all of your guy friends. We can't tell which one you are!
Sam Edwards via Getty Images
Stop DJing. Just stop.
Michael Blann via Getty Images
Stop it with the shirtless photos.
Nicholas Monu via Getty Images
Stop posting headshots. We'd rather see the real you.
fmbackx via Getty Images
Stop photo-bragging about being in clubs with hot girls.
Nisian Hughes via Getty Images
Stop taking mirror-selfies. Especially in your bathroom.
starpause kid/Flickr

Here are things you should keep doing:

Show us the cute dogs in your life.
Shutterstock / Tayhutch
Show off your quirky side.
Cavan Images via Getty Images
Let us see you at your happiest.
Thomas Barwick via Getty Images

Before You Go

Your Mother's Maiden Name

What Not To Post On Facebook


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