We got dumps like a truck, truck, truck.

The BRILLIANT humans behind Youtube's Miniature Space decided to make tiny food and videotape it for our viewing delight.

Their latest delicacy? DUMPLINGS. Let's check out some normal-sized dumplings before we dive into the wonderful world of miniature ones:

Mmmm. So satisfying.

Now, let's get into the tiny ones. We've put together a step-by-step gif guide from Miniature Space's video. No need to thank us.


Step 1) Cut up a single brussels sprout. Tiny knife optional.
Step 2) Put a pinch of ground meat in a petite bowl. Mix with small bowl of brussels sprout.
Step 3) Scoop sprout and meat mixture into baby rice paper wrapper.
Step 4) Seal your eensy dumplin'. BE PRECISE.
Step 5) Repeat 3 & 4 to make a buncha dumps. Fry 'em up on a bby pan.
Step 6) Carefully plate that lil masterpiece.
Step 7) EAT ALL THE DUMPS. (Then make about 293842394 more because you're def going to be hungry still.)

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