Tonye Iketubosin Arrested At Occupy Wall Street For Alleged Rape and Sexual Assault

Man Arrested For Allegedly Raping #OWS Protester

A 26-year old man from Crown Heights was arrested on Tuesday for charges of sexual assault including allegedly raping a fellow Occupy Wall Street protestor and groping another in separate incidents.

According to police officials, Tonye Iketubosin allegedly raped an 18-year old woman from Massachusetts who took up Iketubosin's offer to let her stay in his tent on Saturday, following an argument with a male friend whom she had originally been sharing her tent with.

Iketubosin is also being connected for allegedly sexually assaulting a 17-year old female after helping her set up a tent on October 24th. The Wall Street Journal writes:

Early the next morning, she went inside and found him there. She told police that he ignored her repeated requests to leave. Then he groped her until the pushed him away.

Iketubosin had been working at the protest's kitchen and sleeping in the park for more than a week.

Another protestor, Beau Sibbing, who has also been working at the kitchen said that Iketubosin "was a genuinely nice guy...he came to get shit done."

Sibbing says that as rumors started swirling about the connected assaults on Friday, Iketubosin was asked to stop working at the kitchen, but he kept showing up. A group of protestors attempted to remove him from the park when police officials arrived to eventually arrest him.

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