Trevor Noah Explains Why Student Loan Debt 'Is The New Herpes'

"The Daily Show" riffed on a trillion-dollar lesson that many must learn over a lifetime.

Trevor Noah lent his humor to the student loan debt crisis on “The Daily Show” Thursday.

The host showed TV news segments that explained how the combined student debt had reached $1.4 trillion. Borrowers are averaging $29,800 in debt, and 69% of students need a loan to make it through college. The problem is so widespread that Democratic presidential candidates such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are proposing solutions to deal with it.

“In many ways, student debt is the new herpes,” Noah said. “Almost everybody has it. It stays with you your whole life. And eventually, you’re gonna have to tell your fiance about it.”

Noah also introduced a sitcom parody called “Meet the Debts” ― because nothing makes a debt segment better than borrowing from prime time comedy TV.

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