Trump Keeps It Real! Why the Unpolished Politician Gets My Millennial, Female Vote

Trump Keeps It Real! Why the Unpolished Politician Gets My Millennial, Female Vote
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Arrogant? Absolutely. Distasteful at times? Sure!

Mr. Trump is a far cry from perfect (as are ALL politicians), however the perfectly imperfect man will be getting my vote in the election and here's why:

Donald J. Trump is unscripted, unpolished, and anything but politically correct.

Unlike the average Washington suit, Mr. Trump’s every move and comment isn’t premeditated. Donald Trump says precisely what's on his mind, which is so very refreshing in a political arena where it has become the norm to simply say what it takes, not what is honest and sincere.

Furthermore, “sounds too good to be true” has been an overwhelming theme in the White House time and time again. I absolutely choose truth now- and always- over fairy tale promises that will surely come crashing down later.

Donald got a lot of flak for his debate performances, namely the town hall debate in which he was attacked for "stalking" his opponent. Yes, even this Republican got a laugh at the Saturday Night Live spoof, however I didn't find his behavior outrageous. So, why did others? Well, the exact same reason he is the most controversial candidate in our country's history:

A politician who doesn't mind their P's and Q's is unprecedented! The American people are not used to a candidate who displays true emotion, who says what he actually thinks, who dares to act so bold on a national stage.

I like, no, I love, Mr. Trump's choice to be real. He is who he is and he refuses to tone himself down, or carefully pick his words, or construe a different version of himself for the political circuit.


Alright, let me break this down in simplest form. I have said shameful things, you have said shameful things, and his political opponent has surely said many shameful things (Although, perhaps it was in an email, which was later deleted, and maybe even bleached... but I digress). It doesn't make it right, or acceptable, and I'm not advocating hateful statements against women, or any human being for that matter.

All I'm saying is any single person named political candidate (including DJT’S rival) has, without a doubt, made a long list of inflammatory and offensive statements in their lifetime. (Note: Politicians are human like us)

Anyways, I feel very sad for those who don't understand that Mr. Trump's opposition has committed atrocities far, far worse: Atrocities that affect our national security, our freedoms, our soldiers.

It’s not incomprehensible that some have bought into the whole "Donald is the new Hitler" tirade, though. Our excessively liberal slanted media has relentlessly attacked Donald, while turning a blind eye to his adversary’s actual anti-American behaviors, words, and long (really, really, really, really, really, really long) list of lies.

Furthermore, because of the extremely obvious media bias, Donald has been on the defensive since day one. There are indeed instances of him dealing with the political attacks and bias poorly. However, I won’t completely fault the man for not always remaining in robot-like, politically correct form.

In my humble opinion, the well known entrepreneur and self-made billionaire has proven himself time and time again to have the gall, ability, and guts to be a true leader. Although many won't like it, he’s not going to make everything "fair," he will surely never perpetuate the entitlement based society we live in, and he also won't create a facade or downplay our country’s looming, crucial issues. I.E. ISIS, national debt, national security, education, healthcare.

In other words, Mr. Trump keeps it real.

Because of this, I will be proudly casting my vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump and keepin’ it real right along with him.

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