Trump the Loser President

Trump the Loser President
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Trump’s superficial calls to “judeo-christian values” is great for misguided evangelicals just like his appeals for “respecting our troops and military” rile up losers who mistake showing fake partisan support for actual service.

Trump and a worn out Bible

Trump and a worn out Bible

Not to get super Keith Olbermann-like for a second but I’m about to state some unpopular opinions that everyone’s probably aware of.

Trump is a loser president of a nation of losers who still support him. He’s a shining beam of light for underemployed racist assholes who think “oh wow, this asshole is just like me, maybe one day i can be a millionaire or president.” You won’t, not without a modest million dollar loan to start you off anyway.

I’ve been thinking about the mindset of Trump diehards a lot lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that, contrary to conventional wisdom, most people don’t like Trump because he’s a businessman or because he “speaks his mind.” People like him because he’s a loser, just like they are. After all this is a man who truly represents white privilege and “failing upwards”

Let’s take a look at the important topic he addressed at the Value Voters Summit this weekend.

But guess what b***hes, we’re saying Merry Christmas again!

People were so moved by this dumb statement, they actually got up to cheer. Now if you’re a normal person doesn’t know what Value Voters Summit is, it’s a summit where they hand pamphlets like this in swag bags.

“The media is not paying attention to the health hazards of homosexuality as the youth are imitating gay practices.” Because as everybody knows, imitating gay practices should only be left to GOP officials who get arrested in public bathrooms for soliciting gay sex or those who hire “traveling companions” or evangelical Christian leaders like Ted Haggard.

But yeah, I’m mentioning this because, at this summit for Christian conservatives, Trump main message was:

We are stopping cold, the attacks on Judeo-Christian values.

Which is derivative and boring since it’s the message Fox News has been deliberately running with for some time now. But it got me thinking about why so many people love Trump for pushing this message when it’s incredibly obvious to anyone with more than 3 wrinkles in their brain that Trump is no devout Christian, nor is he even a charitable person.

For example, he lies about charitable donations all the time, even when it’s spending other people’s money.

Trump’s also a hardened veteran of 2 divorces before his most recent marriage to Melania.

His first wife, Ivana, split up with Donald due to his affair with model Marla Maples (which became his second wife). In depositions during the divorce proceedings, Ivana claimed Trump raped and abused her.

Very Christian-like.

But this inability to practice what they preach is not exclusive to Trump. Look no further than, devout representative Tim Murphy from Pennsylvania. Here’s a man who asked his mistress to have an abortion while he and the rest of the House Pro-Life Caucus were actively trying to take that liberty away from millions of low income American women. A classic example of using religion as a tool to mobilize masses to vote for you, so you can push for laws that you’re happy to burden other people with, but that won’t apply to you. Something Jesus absolutely would’ve done as well.

Murphy’s hypocrisy is similar to Trump’s policies hurting Christians overall. I don’t understand how pushing a travel ban on nations that need our help is Christian-like. Same goes for not funding health care subsidies with the express purpose of imploding Obamacare and destroying Obama’s legacy. Undoing everything that Obama did may not violate Christian orthodoxy, but denying millions of Americans access to life-saving medical care sure does. And if you think I’m wrong about the ulterior motives behind that particular move, here’s Steve Bannon celebrating it openly:

How Christian of him, or as jesus would claim- “Pharisee - like”, that’s something my christian friends taught me.

Now look, I’m not saying there aren’t any real Christians who still support Trump - this is after all, a man who has benefited greatly from the support of evangelicals. But make no mistake, most people are aware of Trump’s “cosmopolitan ungodly” ways and don’t really give a shit because deep down inside they’re just like him, Christians in name only - using Christianity as a weapon to attack others who are different. They’re losers.

These are the same people who’d never have the courage to serve but love to drape themselves in the flag. Another extremely loser-like way of mistaking

This is what Steve Bannon also shamelessly said about Bob Corker after Corker’s warnings about Trump’s carelessness pushing the US closer to WW3.

This is hilarious for many reasons, i’m sure it’s difficult to remember all of them but here, I’ll list them for you in the most Buzzfeed listicle way possible:

Trump routinely mocked commander in chief Barack Obama when we still had plenty of “ young men and women in harm’s way.”

Trump mocked our generals because they don’t win.

Trump also shat all over John Mccain for getting captured in Vietnam.

I like people who aren’t captured

Trump has also mocked the family of a fallen Muslim soldier and is still actively trying to fire 15,000 transgender troops, despite his generals’ many warnings.

This of course, is coming from a person who dodged the draft 5 times and called STD’s “his personal Vietnam.”

So yeah, Trump doesn’t give a shit about the military any more than he cares about Christianity.

But that’s why people like him. His deliberate statements about the flag or country are identical to the empty praises certain Nascar idiots make as they “honor our veterans and the military” but not to those who might be black, or gay - and certainly not trans. It’s this unique idea that honoring people’s service is the same as serving. It’s not.

It’s empty, superficial and somehow partisan, even though, ironically, the military itself is a diverse group of individuals with different opinions.

It's very similar to their “Christian in name only” support. Christianity’s only important when it makes it harder for women to get contraceptives or abortions, but not when taking healthcare away from the poor or bombing the hell out of women and children in Yemen.

The military and the flag are only important as a talking point when disenfranchising others who are different from you, but not when sending millions of troops to fight senseless wars only to come back crippled physically and mentality without access to care.

It’s all shallow “brown-noser” talking points for Trump, solely so these hardline Christians can devote their undying loyalty to this man who won’t do anything remotely positive for them. You won't have a job, your health care will be taken away and you'll wind up paying higher taxes, but at least you’ll be upsetting your liberal neighbor and that’s worth it.

And to me that’s not being a real Christian - that’s just being a fucking loser - but hey these losers vote.

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