Two A's Missing From the Inspiring Leadership Messages

Many managers and leaders pride ourselves on sharing information with our team which includes inspirational messages or professional development material. A quick email with networking tips for sales teams and we feel that we've contributed useful information and those who receive it will feel we've invested in their growth. Except, when they don't. Because they can't. Because something is missing.
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Thanks for the inspirational quote or article. Now what am I supposed to do about it?

Many managers and leaders pride ourselves on sharing information with our team which includes inspirational messages or professional development material. A quick email with networking tips for sales teams or sharing an article of how introverts can ensure their voice is heard in meetings and we feel that we've contributed useful information and those who receive it will feel we've invested in their growth.

Except, when they don't. Because they can't. Because something is missing.

There are 2 A's that you need to add to those shares to make them meaningful. Actionable and Authentic.


In my mentoring group, we focused a few sessions and some homework on creating or refining our elevator speeches. Those dreaded 60 second introductions so critical in business and networking that are easier to give for someone else than for yourself.

While I had shared numerous articles on crafting your speech, I decided to add a little bit of homework for this topic. First, everyone had to write their speech and share it with the group. These were all posted in a single document and I added comments and suggestions to each one. Next, I paired everyone off and they had to set an appointment to practice their speeches with each other. My goal in the two assignments was to take the helpful articles and create specific, small and actionable steps that would result in a final product of their speech.

As a group we went from, "Yes, I need to work on that and I know what I need to do" to each person having at least the beginnings of a new speech.


I had lunch recently with two friends, one a former employee of mine, and the conversation turned as it often does with us to professional development. We previously shared a common workplace experience but now we work at different companies and in new roles. However we talk about the managers and leaders we have seen at different jobs as role models for what we want our leadership styles to be or not to be.

One of the women shared that her boss sends out an inspirational message each morning or a task he wants the team to focus on that day. That is often followed by a quick delete of the email.


Because the messages are incongruous with his leadership style and every other communication he shares with them in writing or verbally. While he deserves kudos for making the effort to find daily messages and sharing them, because it is so unlike the rest of how he treats his employees, it rings shallow and he might be better not to send them. These messages lack one of the important leadership qualities - Authenticity. They have become a symbol of what is lacking in his leadership style rather than reinforcing his desire to develop his employees.

There are myriad leadership styles and just as much diverse content to be found and shared that match your authentic voice. If you can't imagine saying it out loud, don't share it. Alternately, if you feel it's outside your style, give them context as to why you're sharing this particular quote or content. Why did it strike you as important on that particular day?

As with leveraging any practice you have as a leader, share content and inspiration, not as a blunt instrument, but with context and purpose. Investing a few more minutes in each share to infuse them with actionable steps and your authentic voice, your employees and mentees will be able to take the investment of your time in finding the content and get the most out of it for themselves.

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