United We Stand - Divided We Fall

United We Stand - Divided We Fall
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What this election process has shown us is that the United States is broken. Our systems; government, infrastructure, health care system, education, Big Pharma getting people addicted to pills to numb the pain, the media covering the fear and not embracing the love that is always there, GMO’s - our food being poisoned and altered, and let’s not forget the environment - weather changes, our bees which we are dependent on for survival are in danger of extinction and then there’s the Dakota pipeline and us thinking we can destroy burial grounds of the Sacred people who owned this land that we stole it from… this is just to name a few. People are angry.. and there are many reasons for this anger. Most are working harder for less pay, being penalized if they are not contributing to a broken health care system. I don’t like to delve into negativity but calling it for what it is, “broken” and seeing the ways it is broken is the first way in asking ourselves - well then, “how the heck do we FIX THIS?”

It can feel overwhelming. That list alone is enough to make you want to pull the covers over your head or point fingers blaming everyone else and not feeling like you have any power at all. There is a reason Trump won this election - the systems are broken and people are tired of hearing the same empty promises being made by politicians. These politicians often have limited resources to fix things because of the way our government is set up and the inherent greed this country has seen time and time again. We are divided not unified. The simple quote that this country is based on “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” has never been more true. The 1% that is holding the wealth does not know what it is like to wonder if you should pay your mortgage or buy groceries for your family after you worked an 80 hour week. There is a disconnect so deep and the after effects of this election can deepen this discord or can bring us together. To blame someone or worse yet a group of people about why this happened or spending time contemplating “if this didn’t happen” does nothing but keep us disempowered and in the past. It is, “what can we do now?”

Well we can’t sit around pointing fingers and blaming as that does not help. Think of it this way - picture a child in front of you - that you were pointing at and blaming - would they feel empowered or possibly disempowered and angry? People are struggling for the answer of what’s next and are trying to figure it out as they go along. They know the old ways do not work. We are ALL in an unprecedented situation and time. Some are protesting because they know they have to do SOMETHING as this state we are in feels very unfair and disempowering. If Hillary won there would have been protests too. The election would have been deemed “rigged” and there would be the other half of the country up in arms because they did not want the same broken system in place. This is not about if Trump or Hillary won but about our broken systems and us being so divided we are looking for someone to save us. No one is going to save us but US.

Do I have answers for all these questions on how exactly to fix our broken systems? No, but I certainly know what WON”T fix anything. This division. Racism. Discord. Blame. Looking backward. Fear. Anger. Sexism. Anything that divides us cannot possibly bring us to a place of peace which is what we all really want which is systems that are working. Having time to work but also having time to be present for our kids and loved ones. Having time to enjoy life instead of feeling this constant struggle and then reaching for alcohol, TV, the internet or prescription meds to somehow numb the pain. We should be feeling every moment and loving it inviting in more joy - not numbing out life! It is the “present” moment after all which is always a gift there for our noticing.

When things fall apart it is for a reason. It is an opportunity rebuild the correct way with everyone’s Highest Good in mind. We pour the foundation of love. It has to start with love and unification. We need to be in the state of mind to receive guidance on creating lasting change that is good for everyone. We start with ourselves. We begin with our families. We look to our communities for support. An angry or blaming state of mind will not give us answers on how to create peace but a peaceful mind will. We stop putting all this fear and angst out there and meet with people knowing we all have a common cause. We all want systems that work for this country for a long time to come so our children and grandchildren feel safe. This is the time for groups to get together. This is the time to sit and meditate and walk in nature paying gratitude for it. This is the time to give our children hope and for them to see we get along with our neighbors and together we are working towards a common goal.

How does that look for you? For each of us it might be different but each of us can start today. It begins with you feeling that peace inside and the last few days people have felt anything but peace. Do something today that brings you peace and love. Do something today that brings someone else peace and love. Do something to make you feel empowered and not disempowered. Show a child that there is hope. Show your community there is hope. Teach your children we are all in this together and no one, no matter what color, sex, or orientation deserves less than 100% respect. We are all one. We are all hurting and we all can heal but not with hate and fear. Be the change you wish to see. Hold someone close and tell them “it will be okay” and mean it. Think about what cause you feel most driven to help out with and find out ways you can do so.

There are countless things you can do today to start this shifting in the direction which will bring us happiness and peace. But it has to be a conscious choice not to continue on with the blame, anger and disempowerment. We are all unlimited. In my life and practice I have seen stage 4 cancer disappear in minutes, people survive atrocities too horrible to mention in childhood and not just survive but overcome them and be an inspiration to others. We have all heard of miracles occurring. Anything is possible when it comes from love and peace. It begins and ends with you. How will you help yourself and others today to give our children and the world around us the message that it all will truly be okay? That it will be more than okay. We are building a new world based on love instead of hate and fear and THAT will be a beautiful space to live in. It has to begin today and it has to begin with you. I send endless love to every single being on this planet and am excited for this new Earth and way of living.

I offer a free meditation for subscribing to my site that might help if you feel so guided. I am here for questions from people hurting, from my community, for anyone that feels lost. I don’t have all the answers as none of us do but I am centering myself in love every single day and can give you tools to feel that too. Look within and thank yourself for knowing this does not have to end badly - this can be the beginning of a world more beautiful than we ever dared to imagine. It begins with you and I have total faith in you. United We Stand.

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