A Super Fast Way To Unsubscribe From All Your Garbage Emails

So long, spam.

If you've ever wished you could get rid of your most annoying emails at blistering speeds -- well, now there's a way.

Unroll.Me, the popular online service that helps you sort through junk email, on Thursday introduced its first smartphone app. It's iOS-only for now, and it's kind of like Tinder for your inbox. Give it access to your email account and it'll display little previews of the messages it recognizes as subscription-based (i.e., promotions from stores, newsletters and similar clutter). You simply swipe left on them to immediately unsubscribe, or -- if it's a subscription you actually want -- swipe right to keep it.

It's a lot like choosing potential matches on the popular dating app, except the matches here are Groupon promotions for parasailing classes.

Here's what the app looks like on your smartphone:


If you'd prefer to keep your messages but reduce overall noise in your email inbox, the app also offers Unroll.Me's trademark "rollup" option. Select it and it'll clump your chosen messages into one email delivered to you daily.

That rollup function is essentially what allows the free Unroll.Me service to flourish. The company's co-founder, Jojo Hedaya, told The Huffington Post that Unroll.Me is ad-supported, and that those ads appear in the daily rollups. Sure, there's a certain irony in trashing junk to receive another email with marketing in it -- but getting one email certainly beats sorting through dozens.

In a press release, the company said that the average Unroll.Me user ends up shedding 70 percent of their email subscriptions, suggesting that most people have a lot of pointless junk clogging their inboxes.

If you're still feeling overwhelmed by your email, check out our ultimate guide to using Gmail.


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