What I'm Thinking

What I'm Thinking
This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.

What am I thinking?
That young men and women aren’t safe out there.
The system that is meant to protect us is failing, and ya can’t blame individuals this time.
The same system that trains the good guys, trains the bad ones too.
The same system that makes students focus on taking exams and writing papers over learning what really matters.
The same system that picks who judges the wrong doers.
Who trains them? Enlightens them?
Building relationships with the community is a challenge, but no one is willing to accept it.
So we keep going on day by day, while a son is shot, and a daughter held up in the street.
We do it to ourselves, giving the ok for them to do it to us.
It’s time we open our eyes, and see what isn’t working anymore.
Peace don’t happen overnight, and prayers can only give us a false hope.
It’s time we stand together and show that we are more then just statistics and figures.
More than just a background.
We are the people, the people this country was made for, always evolving but not doing anything about it.

Authors Note: This post has previously appeared in the writers independent blog “Barbi on Barbara”.

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