What is an authentic leader? And, how to become one!

What is an authentic leader? And, how to become one!
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Leadership is a topic which fascinates me. Especially the actions that define an authentic leader. In his book ‘Good to Great’ Jim Collins shows how the leaders of ‘Great’ companies are, in most instances, quiet and unassuming people. He proves that authentic leaders are completely committed to achieving the business's vision. This is because as an individual they align with the purpose, mission and vision of that company.

Here are 5 steps toward becoming an authentic leader:

Know Who You Are & Own It

People want to look up to someone, and they want to be inspired. People within your business are waiting to hear your vision. They are waiting to be inspired, so they know and are excited about being part of the vision. I see many business owners not embracing the leadership role.

Some business owners believe their management team should come us with the strategy. An owner once said to me “this is what I pay them for”. Weak leadership at its best! Authentic leaders are accountable; they know that their role is to lead the team. To set the team up for success.

Own the Vision.

Establish the vision for the business and own it. Everything you do should be moving the business in the direction of the vision. Become obsessed with it. Remove anything that stands in the way of you reaching your goals. Inspire your team. Ensure they know how important their role is in the bigger picture. Ensure they understand their contribution towards achieving the goals and vision.

Take Ownership & Lead by Example.

Let me share a secret with you; the buck stops with you. Assume the responsibility. Credibility is lost through blame. If you have team members who are on the defensive, it will sabotage growth. Their growth and your business's growth. If the people you are leading don't see you take full responsibility, they won't either.

Transparent Interaction Be honest and open with your team. That way people know where they stand with you. You’ll be surprised at how well it works when you need to overcome a difficult situation. When you need to have difficult, conversions with people focus on the facts. People can’t argue with fact. Of course remember to approach honest situations, with empathy too. It’s important to use transparent interaction in a healthy manner, one that is encouraging.

Acknowledge Failure.

You can admit when you have made a mistake. Acknowledge mistakes and failure. Not everything works, make it okay for your team to make mistakes. Define failure as part of the journey in developing the extraordinary. Challenge the status quo, do things differently and have the courage to think outside the box.

Be Self-aware

Self-awareness is the key to leadership. Continually question, how you can improve to serve your team better. What do they need from you? How are you motivating and inspiring your team? Why would your team follow you, and most importantly do they?

Impressive leaders lead with integrity, authenticity, and have excellent communication skills. They are focused on building a culture, a culture that delivers and celebrates success.

Like any great battle, if you lead your team to victory, it inspires greatness in your business.

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