What Trump Really Means in His Tweets

Donald Trump is the king of tweeting nonsense. But often he does not tweet what he truly means. Let's look at some of his recent tweets followed by what he really wanted to say.
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Donald Trump is the king of tweeting nonsense. But often he does not tweet what he truly means. Let's look at some of his recent tweets followed by what he really wanted to say.

Trump's tweet:

What Trump really wanted to say:

"Happy Cinco De Mayo! I use any opportunity possible to shamelessly plug my gaudy businesses. All Latinos are the same and they all love being called Hispanics. And, by the way, I love them! I show them this by calling Mexicans rapists and criminals and by paying very low wages to the Hispanics I employ."

Trump's tweet:

What Trump really wanted to say:

"I am so glad that Bernie Sanders won this evening because I so badly want to convince his supporters to support me once Bernie is no longer in the race. The longer he stays in the race, the more intensely I can call Hillary names and try to cozy up to Bernie. If I try to make it seem that both Bernie and I are fighting against a rigged system maybe I can convince his supporters to vote for me. I'm not a real Republican anyway. I'm whatever they want me to be. So perhaps I can con Bernie supporters just like I conned all of those Republican voters during the past year."

Trump's tweet:

What Trump really wanted to say:

"Thank you Indiana for voting for me. It was a huuuuge victory. If you had not voted for me you all would have been losers and haters and I would have hated you more than I hate Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush. But since you voted for me I'll say you're great people and I will sort of mean it until tomorrow morning when I declare my love for the next state that votes."

Trump's tweet:

What Trump really wanted to say:

"I am always a complete wacko who flip-flops on everything and is never presidential. How can I say this about myself but make it sound like I'm talking about someone else. I know -- I'll blame Ted Cruz. And I'll call him by a demeaning nickname. And while I'm at it I'll end my tweet with a one syllable word and an exclamation mark so that I can be sure to come across like a 4-year old whining baby."

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