Why do we focus on the negative?

Why do we focus on the negative?
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My daughter

5 things going on in our every day “normal” life: 4 things are awesome but there is that..1 thing...that is not going so hot...

What do we do, we usually tune into that 1 thing that is not going well and pinch off focusing on stuff from the other 4 things that are going right.

Conversely if we had 1 thing that is going well and 4 things that are going not so well, we could set our focus on that one thing, tune into it and the other 4 things would sort of fall away or seem less draining.

But when we believe we have to work hard to compensate for inferiority past wrong deeds or justify our existence this is what happens. We focus on the stuff not going well..

The trick is to get into the receiving mode. But most of us are in the reactive mode. Instead of identifying what we want and what feels good and running with it, we react to what we don’t want. When we react to what we don’t want we put more emphasis on that so we are actually focusing (vibrating) on contrast to what we want rather than what we want.

Every subject has 2 parts. Sometimes we are thinking about getting healthy when we are really focusing on pain or the next chocolate, coffee or cocktail. Sometimes we are thinking about making more money but really we are focused on the lack of it & bills. Sometimes we are thinking about improving relationships but are focused on what’s going wrong with the relationship. Sometimes we are thinking of what to cook for dinner when are heart is speaking pizza & Net-Flix...does this make sense?

We have to introduce an understanding to ourselves of what our emotions are really saying to us. We literally have to guide our understanding of our thoughts...Because if we don’t, we believe we will have to take action but there is not enough action to compensate for that momentum that is going in opposition of what we want. So what’s the answer...CHILL OUT...think nicer thoughts to ourself, do what is feeling good instead of focusing on what doesn’t.

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