Why I Won't Wear a Pink Pussyhat

Why I Won't Wear a Pink Pussyhat
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TIME photo illustration; Photograph by Danielle Amy Staif for TIME

Let’s start with the color. Pink symbolizes a social construct built on a cracked foundation of the misogynistic notion that women should be sweet and passive like the color itself. My five-year-old son’s favorite color is pink, which has caused extended family to fret over his nonexistent sexuality and to question if he will grow up “soft”. Even though their concerns are ridiculous and homophobic, they highlight why pink is not the color of my resistance.

But the pussyhats aren’t really about the color pink itself, are they? The originators of the concept aim to resist Trump’s declaration that he can grab any woman he wants by her vagina. While I strongly agree that we must protest our alleged sex offender of a president, marrying the color pink to vaginas is beyond flawed.

“Pink symbolizes a social construct built on a cracked foundation of the misogynistic notion that women should be sweet and passive like the color itself.”

Has no one else noticed that the majority of the world’s labia are not pink?

I see the apparent need to shout from the The Huffington Post’s virtual rooftops: the Women’s Movement does not (and should not) revolve around White women! Sisters of color were cropped out of the movement in the 1970’s and I won’t stand for it happening again.

Now let’s talk about the fact that the hat is knit and best-suited for one particular season in only portions of our nation. I am an insurgent in this movement for the long haul. I will not tire after a few post-inaugural marches in the winter, and neither should the symbol of our resistance.

For the record, I will gladly march beside anyone who opposes Trump’s poisonous policies. I give the Pussyhat Project their proper respect for attempting to make the resistance visible. Yet, we need to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.

Because I do want to ultimately unify the opposition to Trump’s policies, I will not issue an empty complaint without offering an alternative solution.

We do need a synthesizing sign that distinguishes us from Trump devotees. We need a daily reminder that we are the popular vote and the people who believe in his hateful rhetoric are the minority. We must not only make the resistance visible; we must do so in an inclusive and enduring way.

Vietnam War protesters wore black arm bands with white peace signs. I imagine that when protesters saw another’s armband they felt a swell of solidarity and a renewed sense of purpose. I yearn for that same comfort of community and symbol of activism now.

My sisters and I proudly walked in Detroit’s Women’s March. We propose the unifying symbol of a green wristband simply debossed with #ResistTrump. Countless anti-Trump organizations are already steadfast in resistance and they often promote their efforts on social media with the hashtag. Wearing #ResistTrump will remind us that we have instant access to a community teaming with people who won’t let hate win.

Best yet, proceeds from the wristbands go directly to the American Civil Liberties Union and the International Rescue Committee.



Those who choose to wear the wristband commit to and communicate the following:

1.) The popular vote did not elect Donald Trump.

2.) We diligently monitor the Trump administration.

3.) We are a legitimate network, able to speak and listen via the hashtag #ResistTrump.

4.) We will rise up in communion to resist policies which threaten us.

5.) We will not ignore or become complicit in the wake of classism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and homophobia.

6.) We have hope.

Wearing the wristband solidifies that I am a Sanctuary Self, wherein my rights to affordable health care, reproduction, religious freedom and personal safety are held sacred. More importantly, the wristband signals that I am a Sanctuary Sister, able to partner with my brothers and sisters in humanity to protect the rights of immigrants whom are our “tired, [y] our poor, [y] our huddled masses yearning to break free.”

If I ever become complicit or nod off during my turn at the watch, I will snap my wristband and remember to be bold. I will call my state and federal senators again. I will donate to opposition groups again. I will march against hate again. I will boycott Trump-friendly merchandise again. I will push to make mine a sanctuary state again.

I’ll employ this bit of aversion science to ensure that my wristband is more than a fad; rather, it is an accelerator to disrupt Trump’s lethal policies.

My wristband’s green hue will remind me to remain steadfast in the hope of a post-Trump spring; a time when our vigilance against his regressive policies will birth an America that is authentically great for the first time.

A Trump presidency threatens our way of life and that of those closest to us. It is time to prepare, to watch, to rise and to act. Will you join us?

Please visit www.resisttrumpwristbands.com to join the movement.

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