Why the glorified hustle is not the key to success

Why the glorified hustle is not the key to success
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Glorified on social media, the “24/7 hustle,” “the grind,” or the “always on the go” lifestyle, mislead us to think these are the necessary steps to achieve success. Everyone wants to be productive yet many are paralyzed with procrastination. We constantly beat ourselves up with guilt for not following through with our daily commitments, and compare our lives to that of others on social media. However, those who showcase the 24/7 hustle on social media are likely not sharing the dark side of this practice and how unsustainable it is. For instance, excessive workloads have shown to weaken the immune system and lead to other serious health conditions. Although this is an extreme example, we are socialized to believe working excessive hours is the gold standard for success.

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

Leadership Magazine

Truth is, we forget our products and creations are a result of the creators (us). Without fueling ourselves with energy, sleep, nutritious food, and “me time,” we cannot meet the demands of our goals. We believe our success is dependent on the quantity of time we commit as opposed to the quality.

“These two threads that run through our life – one pulling us into the world to achieve and make things happen, the other pulling us back from the world to nourish and replenish ourselves – can seem at odds, but in fact they reinforce each other.” – Arianna Huffington, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time

True productivity is not a result of how well we can micromanage our time, but how to ignore distractions, immerse ourselves in work, and embrace an energy that eliminates procrastination. And while it may be natural to follow the “quick-fix” mentality, a productivity system that is holistic and grounded in who you are will be the reason for your success.

Holistic productivity is centered on human experience. When we balance our mind, body, and soul, we can become truly fulfilled. Focusing on one of these causes us to feel unbalanced and as a result, unfulfilled. Adam Alter, New York Times best-selling author and Associate Professor of Marketing at New York University, states that our “me time,” is equally important to guiding our efforts. In other words, without time to ourselves, we are driving a racecar without a steering wheel.

“The importance of restoration is rooted in our physiology. Human beings aren’t designed to expend energy continuously. Rather, we’re meant to pulse between spending and recovering energy.” – Tony Schwartz

Whether it is reading a book in a café, meditating for a few minutes each day, or cooking a meal with a loved one – these activities are just as productive as the traditional work one does. Meditation alone improves our ability to learn, increases our regional brain gray matter density, and “is associated with structural changes in areas of the brain that are important for sensory, cognitive, and emotional processing.”

Productivity Goddess created by entrepreneur and author, Judy Machado-Duque, supports people in their journey to develop clear passions and goals through workshops, exercises, coaching, and events. Machado-Duque spent most of her adult life living the 24/7 hustle, and unfortunately became sick from a weakened immune system, heartbreaking infertility challenge, and difficult battle with depression. She was finally able to overcome her health challenges by giving her personal needs priority. She created a new lifestyle called the Holistic Hustle and now supports females and males to take inspired action in life through her breakthrough productivity tools and techniques.

Judy Machado-Duque hosting a Productivity Goddess workshop

Judy Machado-Duque hosting a Productivity Goddess workshop

Productivity Goddess has three actions steps to expand your life and boost productivity in the most holistic way:

  1. Get a clear picture of where you are now, in each area of your life
  2. Decide which areas of your life you would like to create more focus & fulfillment
  3. Set an intention and commitment for each area

We are creatures of habit; our habits run our life through our subconscious. Once we become aware of this, we can let go of the disempowering habits that no longer serve us. We can then adopt new empowering habits that we begin to implement every day, and embed such actions into our mindset until they become unconscious.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” – John C. Maxwell

Interested in improving your holistic productivity? Click here for a free exercise!

To learn more about Productivity Goddess:

Website: www.productivitygoddess.com | Instagram: productivity.goddess | Twitter: @DuqueJudy

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