Why Women Should Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Why Women Should Lift Weights to Lose Weight
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Over the past few years, there has been a booming women's movement towards lifting weights. More and more females are seeing the benefits of lifting and it seems like we have come so far since the days of women saying "I don't want to look big and masculine looking." That is a fantastic breakthrough as we have learned the positive correlation between weight loss and weight lifting. On top of that, the notion that weightlifting will make a woman look bulky, have been disproven and if anything, weightlifting helps a woman lose weight, build muscle mass and develop a more symmetrical, feminine shape.

Weightlifting has many health benefits, starting with an increased metabolism. When you increase your muscle mass, you boost your resting metabolism -- and that makes your body burn more calories. Not only will you burn calories during your workout, but weightlifting causes a boost in your base metabolism for 24-48 hours after your lift. Strength training also builds strong muscles, and muscles at rest burn aprrox. 50 calories/day per pound of muscle, while fat cells only require about 3 calories per day per pound of fat.

To put it simply, when you build muscle mass, your muscles are quick to use calories in order to maintain. This means fewer excess calories that can turn into fat. Women are often hesitant to add weight training when their goal is to lose weight. The old school of thought was "why add bulk when I'm already big?" It couldn't be more opposite! A heavy woman will not become bigger if she lifts weights. As a matter of fact, as the muscles become denser, they will burn more of that excess fat and she will appear leaner.

We are actually suggesting that women should lift heavier weights and more often. 5 years ago this wasn't a popular trend, but now, women lifting heavy is in and we couldn't be more excited for it. So, what are some other reasons that women should weight lift to lose weight?

1. More defined look-

We already discussed how weight lifting boosts your metabolism and burns fat. I'm convinced that many women start weight lifting for the definition. Skinny is no longer the trend. Today, healthy is the new skinny and more women are lifting heavy to add definition to their body. Women no longer have the fear of becoming overly "bulky" because we now understand more about women's lower testosterone levels. A woman would need to add testosterone to achieve bulk similar to a man and that shouldn't be a concern for most women.

2. Fighting bone breakdown-

Yes, it's true, as a woman ages, she has a higher risk of osteoporosis. research has shown that lifting heavy weights over time not only maintains bone mass but can even build new bone, especially in the high-risk group of post-menopausal women.

3. Burning more calories-

While this was discussed earlier, it's important that we discuss why lifting burns more calories. Yes, you are likely to burn more calories during a 1-hour cardio class than you would during a 1-hour lift. However, in multiple studies, women who lifted weights burned an average of 100+ more calories in a 24-hour timespan and women who lifted heavier weights burned even more than that.

4. Lose belly fat-

A University of Alabama study found that the women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat than those who just did cardio. This not only helps you lose your belly pooch and look better in a bikini, but it also lessens your risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers.

5. Injury prevention-

Constantly dealing with sore knees or hips? Lifting weights actually strengthens the muscles around your joints which can help reduce soreness, prevent injury and encourage good form during your workouts.

Lifting weights can make a dramatic difference on your strength, weight loss and overall body composition, but it also has secondary effects that most people don't think about.

6. Stress Prevention-

Yes, lifting weights can and will help you in other areas of your health. Studies show that the fittest people also produce fewer stress hormones and in stressful situations, people who are fit have lower blood pressure spikes than those who are unfit.

7. Happiness-

Researchers have found that those who lift at least 3 times per week report significantly improved levels of happiness and overall mood than those who do not lift. This is likely due to the endorphin release you get after a lift.

8. Productivity-

Researchers have found that workers were 15% more productive on days they exercised compared to days they didn't. Lifting weights produces a natural endorphin high, so it only makes sense that your momentum and alertness after a lift, would result in higher levels of productivity.

9. Live Longer-

South Carolina researchers found that total body strength directly linked to lower risks of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Less fat means a healthier heart, which means a longer life!

At this point, if you are skeptical on lifting weights, I'm not sure you can be convinced. Lifting weights has so many positive benefits on your overall health, body composition, and lifestyle. Add that to the fact that it won't make you bulky, like some previously feared, and it's a recipe for success. If you are considering starting weightlifting, definitely start with light weights so you can get used to the lifts. As you get more experienced, your muscles will adjust, allowing you to lift heavier as you go. You may also want to consider hiring a personal trainer or online training program that can direct you to the correct form to prevent any injuries.

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