With Our Thoughts We Make The World

With Our Thoughts We Make The World
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I’ve been feeling a bit anxious over the last few days because I have oral surgery tomorrow. Up until now I’ve been able to appreciate how lucky I am to be able to get this tooth implant. I have a lot of gratitude for the prosperity that enables it.

But now, as it’s so close, fear creeps up.

The interesting thing is that I can see that my fear arises with my thoughtsabout the surgery.

My thinking drives my fear.

My work is to acknowledge my fear as it arises, breathe, and go on with my life…refocusing again and again on the present moment.

I invite you to practice noticing your thoughts and how they drive your feelings this week.

Feel free to share your insights with me – I promise to respond.

With warmth & lovingkindness,

Hunter Clarke-Fields

Bio: Hunter Clarke-Fields, MSAE, RYT, is a mindfulness mama mentor. She coaches over-stressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter is a certified Parent Effectiveness Training teacher and has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide. Hunter is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course. Click here to learn more and get free resources.

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