Woman Of The Year: Who's On Your List?

Who Is Your 'Woman Of The Year'?

'Women of the Year' lists are funny things. Obviously, any superlative list is highly subjective, and there's no set guidelines for what to value most in a candidate -- though the "accomplishments" of who makes what list are often telling. We struggled with TIME's decision to name Kate Middleton and Gabrielle Giffords as runners-up to their "People of the Year" list, only to select the princess and snub the senator and survivor (sorry, Kate, but I think Giffords is a little more deserving) and I'm sure several people were left scratching their heads at the French public's support for Anne Sinclair, wife of former IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, as "Woman of The Year" in a poll conducted by the online women's magazine Terrafemina (does being scorned by your husband and standing up for him something to be emulated?)

Jane Martinson, writing in The Guardian's "Women's Blog With Jane Martinson," gets it right when she looks at lists -- like The Guardian's "Women Of The Year" -- and asks if they really reflect the most exceptional accomplishments of women in 2011.

We want to know: who are the women that most impressed you in 2011 and deserve recognition for their accomplishments? Tweet @HuffPostWomen with the hashtag #womenofyear

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