Yet More Proof: No Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer

Yet More Proof: No Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer
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Can we please stop the mandated lying to women now?

A Harvard University research study just out confirms what the National Cancer Institute said in 2003:

There is no link between abortion and breast cancer. There is no link between miscarriage and breast cancer.

The Harvard study followed more than 100 thousand women for ten years (part of the huge Nurses Health Study that has yielded so much info about women's health). It's merely one more study that comes to the same conclusion, one which is held by the American Cancer Society, as well.

As the vice president for epidemiology and surveillance research at the American Cancer Society, Dr. Michael Thun said:

"There is no evidence that having had an abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. This is a subject that has received a lot of visibility; something that has been looked at repeatedly. There is strong scientific consensus this is the case."

Ah, yes, scientific consensus, but of course, not political consensus.

The Coalition on Breast Cancer/Abortion immediately rejected this study, like all the previous ones, as flawed. They describe the 2003 finding by the world's top cancer experts that there is no linkage between abortion and breast cancer "a political sham."

The politicization of women's health has been unstoppable for the last six years.

Four states require doctors to tell women about a potential link to breast cancer as part of pre-abortion counseling, and similar efforts to legislate through phony scare tactics are under way in other states as well.

What's it going to take for states to stop mandating that doctors lie to their patients? Those of us who have taken our rights for granted since Roe v. Wade got a huge wake up call from the Supreme Court last week. But the alarm has been ringing for years.

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