You Snap Chat... With Who?!

Snapchat is the Las Vegas of social networks -- what happens in Snapchat, stays in Snapchat... or does it?
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Why do you Snapchat?

Is it the ability to finally not having to worry about repercussions? Or the fleeting moment of snaps that gives users a usually concealed sense of confidence -- either in goofy or sexy pictures? Maybe it's another reason?

Now what if I told you -- I know who you Snapchat with the most. And more importantly, your friends do. And your boyfriend. And your girlfriend. And -- ok, you get it.

And let's be honest.

You're probably snapping with some crushes, and some friends mixed in for good measure. Hey, it's all good. Everyone does it.

In the past few days, Snapchat has released a new update to their app. Along with the usual bug fixes, the app also added in a feature that allows users to more prominently see which of their friends Snapchat with the most. When you click on a friend in your contact list, you can see their score and the top three of their friends that they interact with the most. So, for example, if Jessica is one of my friends- I can see the top three people she snaps with the most. And, if I liked her- or had a crush on her- or she's even my girlfriend, I'd probably assume that she's not snapping pictures of sunsets or picnics.


You're not supposed to know what people do on Snapchat -- but, now you can figure it out. Stop and think for a second -- would you want your friends to know who you snap with the most?

This feature shines a spotlight on a connection between people who is better not being exposed; the entire premise of Snapchat is privacy and freedom. The privacy to send whatever, whenever, to whomever- or at least you were able to without people finding out- and not having to worry about the possible social ramifications that a picture or video usually contain. It's the freedom to not over think; to simply snap, send, and do whatever you want. This type of inhibition is becoming more and more lost in todays social centric society, where everything you do and say is recorded somewhere.

I Snapchat you, you Snapchat me, cool -- that's the end of it.

And that's the beauty of it.

This new feature provides users with simply too much information on their friends. Information is usually good -- but in context.

When every other social network is gathering as much data on you as possible and knows what you like even before you know it, Snapchat is the Las Vegas of social networks -- what happens in Snapchat, stays in Snapchat.

...or does it?

When users realize what this feature actually does (which they will), there might be immediate backlash... and a lot of broken hearts.

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