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Your GPS to New Markets (Image Courtesy: ShutterStock)

Your GPS to New Markets (Image Courtesy: ShutterStock)

Digital marketing has evolved, just as much as innovations generally. There had been a time in the online boom, when it was just enough to come up with a grand concept for an online business (mostly simply digitalization of a traditional utility or leisure process), and watch as traffic is naturally attracted to the simpler solution provided.

Roughly same went for marketing products, with basic website optimization and CPC marketing mostly employed to call the crowd.

Perhaps the one time ultimate viability of these methods has seen to the massive congregation of crowds of marketing managers at their vending points. This has lead of course, to the billions of fortunes amassed by self-served pay-per-click providers.

Perhaps also, the noise being made via those channels of conventional marketing has become too loud - even for the large ears of the internet public.

Business leaders need to recognize that previous methods for doing business are no longer viable in the 21st century and must change their corporate strategies accordingly. Zooming in on core business blinds you from seeing new markets. Instead, the business community must look to frontrunners who are able to zoom out and shift their focus from the core to the edges. New, sustainable, and long-term markets no longer emerge at the core of mainstream business; focusing too much on this core will eventually kill you. As illustrated in the Global Opportunity Report, 'edge markets' are the future hotspots of business innovation.

New trends are expected to emerge in digital marketing, and a couple in practice already, are expected to get stronger in order to reach the market beyond our conventional demographic.

A recent report by ToALIfe report has shown that millennials today have trained themselves to ignore adds and posp-ups at content sites. This can be explained, there are lots of products and service offers out there today; and a lot of paid advertising to promote them without regard for the experience the web user actually visited the page for. This medium of promoting offers has become intrusive.

Once business leaders have acknowledged the need to move beyond their core and into edge markets to stay relevant in the future market landscape, they need to find out where, exactly, these new market universes lie. Marketing when really served right has been known to generate as much as Four Times a Return on Investment (4 * ROI), according to Neilsen.

One of the major developing trends expected to grow over the end of this decade and into the next one is arguably Affiliate marketing. Affiliates has been around for a while, it's a process by which other people recommend your product directly to their own audience, mostly exerting their influence and expertise in better explaining the offer, to these audience which the original merchant didn't have any idea about engaging by himself. For their effort, they get entitled to a commission, upon successfully completed sales, via their promotion.

In the words of one of the veterans of affiliate marketing, John Crestani, which are better served by his own expressiveness:

Expected to grow in bounds over the turn of the coming decade also is content marketing. By which advertised offers are served right in the body of the content. This notion has been available for a while, explained Ben Willis, another marketing expert, as the bottle of coca cola ordered or sipped by the stars during a TV show is an indirect form of advertising the product.

The two mega-trends are clear: Investing in digital innovations and operating on the edges of markets are the keys to success in tomorrow’s future market landscape. What might not be so obvious is how businesses should act on these trends.

It is suggested that personnels with marketing roles educate themselves further about moving towards these new trends.

Further updates on this post, and more inclusion of references, can also be looked forward to...


  • The Technology Headlines - John Crestani - trends, opportunities, developments & about the technology market from industry experts.
  • Global Opportunity Report 2017

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