Your network... how to avoid losing it while creating thriving relationships.

Your network... how to avoid losing it while creating thriving relationships.
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Building effective relationships is a full-time job. But not a 9 to 5 job, as it is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year job. Every person you meet has value they can share with you; it is your responsibility to identify value and capture it. Relationships create opportunity and shape you into who you are. But how can you assure you are building relationships that lead to life-changing opportunities and experiences? One thing I learned during my first year at Rutgers University is that building effective relationships is difficult, but the payoff is extraordinary.

Here is my story:

During my first year of college, I met more people than I ever had in my entire life. My personal network nearly doubled with new friends, professors, and potential employers. When I met new people, we would exchange phone numbers or connect on Snapchat and oftentimes never connect again. These were all missed opportunities. The brief interaction I had with the person I met on the bus could have led to a relationship where we eventually traveled the world together. The conversation I had with the employer at the career fair could have led to an internship which eventually landed me a full-time job. The person I met at the gym could have inspired me to compete in a Tough Mudder. I do not want to miss out on relationships that could lead to life-changing opportunities or experiences. My closest friends are the same people I am connected with over various means of social media and I see the process of creating multiple connections as the key to constructing effective relationships.

Looking back, I wish I had known the formula to get the most out of my relationships. Now I do. With the help of social media and my soon-to-be-released networking app, Napkn, creating valuable relationships has never been easier.

So what are the 3 steps to building effective relationships?

1. Networking

Networking is the first step to building a relationship. Whether it be a face-to-face conversation, a cold email, or an Instagram direct message, networking is the initial interaction. The key to networking is to create rapport right off the bat. Before talking business, it is best to find common ground. Effective relationships stem from personal interactions that touch on similar interests.

2. Connecting

Everyone has heard the common phrase, "It's not what you know, it’s who you know". In a world seemingly run by social media, this is more prevalent than ever. Millennials know how to use social media better than any other generation and have no excuse not to have the most comprehensive and effective networks that exist. The key to building a strong network is to connect with people over multiple means of social media. The more ways you can connect with somebody, the more effective your relationships will be and the more opportunities you will be exposed to. Connection is the catalyst of opportunity.

3. Engaging

Once you are connected over multiple means of social media, it is critical to engage your network. Successful millennial entrepreneurs engage their network by following up with their connections, interacting with their connections' social media posts and producing content that is tailored to their network. Your network is your audience; it's your job to get the attention of your connections and entertain them.

The reason we struggle to maximize our connections is because we are not connected enough. When you first meet someone, you often connect in just one way, the most common one being via phone number. To build better relationships, we need to connect in various ways. By connecting over various social networks, we will naturally stay updated with what people are up to by viewing their content and being able to contact them efficiently.

Connecting in various ways is necessary because every connection method (e.g. phone number, email, social media) represents a different personality of a user. Depending on the person you meet, your phone number may have more value than your Snapchat. Some people give their Snapchat to everyone they meet, but for others, that may not be the case. Everyone is more comfortable sharing different means of social media depending on the type of relationship they think they are going to have with someone. For example, if you were trying to form a professional relationship, you would likely share your LinkedIn, phone number and email. Likewise, if you met someone at a party, you would be more prone to sharing your Snapchat and Instagram. To maximize relationships, we need to take the initiative and network, identify what connection methods we are comfortable sharing and connect, and consistently engage our audience.

Napkn App

The process of networking, connecting and engaging is tedious. What if there was a tool that is focused on building effective relationships? Introducing Napkn, the iOS application poised to revolutionize the way we connect with people. Napkn does this by allowing us to share our social media, phone number, and email in one tap. What about engagement? Napkn also integrates social media with your contact list by allowing you to view your contacts' social media profiles directly within the app. With Napkn, you receive a holistic view of your contacts. You can view their Facebook profile, LinkedIn profile, Instagram page and Twitter profile quickly and easily. Connect over various social networks in one tap and stay engaged with your network without having to bounce from app to app. Napkn is an essential app for millennials looking to develop and keep in touch with their network.

Your network is your most valuable asset. The people you interact with on a daily basis are the ones who shape you into who you are. It is imperative to take the time today to build your network. Building effective relationships is a job and it’s time to send in your application.

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