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photo credit: Erica Mueller

photo credit: Erica Mueller

You have a Purpose for being here. And it’s probably not what you think it is. Your Purpose is to fully, authentically, and unapologetically be YOU. That’s it. No one else has the specific blend of qualities, skills, and gifts that you do. So all of Life needs you to offer your unique brilliance … because only you can.

You have dreams burning brightly inside of you, urging you to follow what you love. Dedicate yourself to their fullest expression because what you love and what you have a burning desire to experience are the very things you came to offer to the world. As you align with and commit to these dreams of your Heart, the organizing principles of Life will give you every opportunity you require to live your Purpose with love, joy, fulfillment, and abundance.

The Universe is conspiring to support you! Really. I know it may not look this way sometimes, and it’s still true.

The challenge is that what the Universe presents as opportunities we often see as problems.

For example, last week I had a potential client decide not to work with me (“problem”). I was disappointed. I went into a spiral of worry and anger, and I saw the situation as a failure. Eventually I realized that this outcome was the result of me holding back certain parts of my gifts. He was seeing only a piece of me, and that’s why he made that decision. This one moment helped me radically upgrade my authenticity, and as a result my business is thriving more fully (opportunity).

Everything is an opportunity. It’s either an opportunity to grow into the person you want to be, or an opportunity to constrict in fear in the face of a perceived problem. The choice is always yours.

Every situation which appears to be a challenge, problem, or failure in your life is the Universe giving you an opportunity to become aware of some part of yourself that is out of alignment with your dreams and desires. The shift came for me when I was willing to see the situation as an opportunity to grow. The challenge for me arose because I was not authentically expressing myself, and that behavior is out of alignment with my Purpose. So what I perceived as a challenge was the Universe giving me an opportunity to course correct.

Everything is an opportunity to grow into the person and life that you desire. The Universe is always supporting you to fulfill your Purpose … because the world needs you.

It’s time to shine and be fully, authentically, and unapologetically YOU!

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Tristan Gutner is an Intuitive Success Coach for visionaries and change-makers. He supports those who know they are here to make a BIG contribution to the world to create more health, wealth, happiness, and impact. It's time to access your Infinite Potential, live your highest Purpose, and experience the love, joy, abundance, and fulfillment that is your birthright!

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