Zaza Will Be Madagascar's Next President

Zaza Will Be President in 2019
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After years of meditation, serene and placid reflection, I have reached a conclusion: I would like to be your Vice President in a joint running candidacy, Zaza Ramandimbiarison. I would like The Expert Dreamers from Madagascar to be part of your Presidential Team. I think you will make a great President for Madagascar, Zaza Ramandimbiarison, former Deputy Prime Minister of The Great Island. Contrary to what most people would think, our Presidential candidacy is not political, it is post-political for a post Westphalia World Order, a borderless World in which Decemland is the World's capital territory.

Zaza Ramandimbiarison is Madagascar's Next President
Zaza Ramandimbiarison is Madagascar's Next President

Based on my understanding of your leadership, your integrity, your sound judgement, your vision, I think you are made of the fabric, of the material that a great President for Madagascar should be made of. You will need a team. You will need the best team. As your captain, as your friend, I can offer you the best possible team, The Madagascar Strategic Team. You can help us guide Madagascar towards the best possible long-term future. We can help you guide the World towards the best possible long-term future.

Now think about it, Zaza Ramandimbiarison, you should be serving your fellow Malagasies in the best possible role. As far as I know I can attest that you are currently not doing so. Madagascar is in desperate need of genuine, legitimate, authentic, visionary leaders who work in the interest of the vulnerable and nothing else. I am confident you can be such visionary leader for Madagascar, Zaza Ramandimbiarison, and I want to walk this journey with you. Let's then travel together in this wonderful lifetime journey towards Decemland, the Land of Ten Percent. Let's love one another, let's dream together of a better future ahead.

Zaza Ramandimbiarison was deputy prime minister of Madagascar from 2002 to 2004 and was elected chief of staff of Andry Rajoelina in the aftermath of the coup d'etat that removed former president Ravalomanana from power in March 2009. I met Zaza on December 15, 2008, at the World Bank in Washington, DC. During our 90 minute conversation, Zaza acknowledged the necessity to look beyond the current development establishment and embraced the vision to implement new ideas in the development space. The impeccable technocrat was educated in Antananarivo and Paris, where he obtained a master's in civil engineering at the prestigious Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees.

Madagascar and many low-income developing countries need a radical turnaround so as to eradicate once and for all extreme poverty. The first step towards implementing this radical turnaround is to identify, to select the best, most talented human capital within Madagascar and abroad. I hereby call All Malagasies worldwide to join us in this quest to create the best presidential team to put Madagascar once and for all on the path towards prosperity. This is not science fiction. We call it reality fiction. To dream or not to dream, that is the question.

Zaza Ramandimbiarison can be contacted at Contact Zaza and encourage him to accept J.P.Monfort's presidential bid. If you wish to join The Madagascar Presidential Team send your Resume to

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